Tuesday , March 25 2025

Tone It Up’s 10-Minute Superset Abs Workout | #WorkoutWednesday | Women’s Health

In honor of #NationalWorkoutBuddyDay (which is coming up on March 1!), we asked the official ambassadors, #ToneItUp co-founders and trainers Karena Dawn and Katrina Scott, to share a 10-minute abs workout you can do anywhere with your BFF.
This superset workout is designed to have you do two abs exercises that target the same core muscles—obliques, transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis—back to back without taking a break in between moves. This way, you’ll work your middle even more while elevating your heart rate for an amazing cardio challenge. Plus, this mix of moves will also strengthen and sculpt your shoulders, glutes, and triceps, for a little bonus burn.

TIME: 10 minutes
GOOD FOR: Abs and core
INSTRUCTIONS: For the first superset, complete 15 reps of each exercise, then immediately start on the next one. Repeat the first superset without rest in between then continue this pattern for the remaining supersets.

Superset 1
Standing cross-body crunches
Triangle oblique reach

Superset 2
Plank and pike
Mountain climbers

Superset 3
Toe touches
Leg lifts

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