Do you want to succeed at a raw food diet?! Here is a fun and easy meal plan for you!
Are you starting a raw diet or do you struggle with starting because you feel that it is not working for you? Let me ask you this: ARE YOU EATING ENOUGH? Why do people fail at eating FullyRaw? The number one reason is because they do not eat enough. Don’t be discouraged!
The number one mistake that people make when they first go FullyRaw is that they don’t eat enough. I want you to succeed, so I’m going to go through different fruit/veggie calorie amounts to help you understand how much you need to be eating to feel your best.
More often than not, I hear about people who try eating FullyRaw for 1-2 weeks, and they feel amazing! They lose weight, have more energy, clearer skin, and feel alive! Then after a few weeks, they hit a plateau, and they begin to feel tired, lethargic, and spacey. When I sit down with these people, what we discover is that they are calorie deficient. They lack energy because they are not consuming enough energy.
This can be a scary journey for many. The first step is always the hardest because it’s such a new world– it’s a change of lifestyle. It’s not a diet; it’s a way of LIFE. When you begin this lifestyle, it does take time to adapt to eating more fruits and veggies, but once you get the hang, it becomes like second nature and you REALLY FEEL the benefits!
In my last video, I show you what I ate. Most people don’t believe I eat that much and that’s ok. I’m not asking you to eat as much as me. I run 6-10 miles daily. I am an athlete. I need more calories than the average Joe. Take the formula, fit it for you. Eat what feels comfortable. Calorie awareness is so so important. Most people have been taught to diet-with calorie restriction. I’m here to tell you that calorie AWARENESS IS important. This is an abundant lifestyle, not restriction.
BEFORE WE START, If you are wanting to start a raw food diet definitely check out this video:
In order for you to understand how much you should be eating each day, let’s walk through each meal and give you examples of what you can eat with calorie amounts. I’m basing these amounts on a minimal 2000 calorie diet. You may need more, but for example purposes, this is what I will show you. Take my formula, and for it for you.
For FullyRaw Breakfast:
Juice or
Or a 32-64 oz jar of a juice or smoothie fruit based . (This is 375-750 calories.) for beginners, start with 32. For my big eaters, if you’re still hungry it’s ok to do 64 oz. if you’re an athlete and need MORE CALORIES, eat the higher calorie density fruit like bananas, apricots, dates, durian, mango, etc.
FullyRaw lunch. Fruit is FAST FOOD, easy to bring ANYWHERE and easy to prepare. Sometimes it’s as easy as peeling a banana. Done. Aim for 700-800 calories. If you’re still hungry you can eat more. Now this sounds like a lot, but calorie wise, it will most likely be less than a thousand calories. Give examples. Plate this plate that… If u can’t eat that much, eat more frequently.
Download the app Cronometer or a calorie counter on your phone. Physically SEE how much you are eating.
Dinner is the hardest meal to eat Fullyraw. It’s not that it’s any more complicated, but when people get home from a long, hard day at work, they want to REWARD themselves w satisfying foods. Unfortunately, many of us were trained to think that certain “bad” foods were rewarding. Instead of thinking as fruit as the best reward for your body, it’s “ice cream”…. I have converted tons of unhealthy recipes into raw ones to help you out, so please check those out.
Start your dinner w a comfortable portion fruit. Approximately 500-600 calories worth of fruit then 200 calories of veggies and greens — a salad and eat what you want AFTER that. I hope this video helps you! Sending you my HUGS!
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AMAZING HAIR done by the beautiful Katie Remis of
Filming & Editing by Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram and Matt Garza of
#fullyraw #mealplan #vegan