30 minutes of fast walking everyday is so HEALTHY! Make a HEALTHY CHOICE today and WALK with us! We will keep the PACE for you! You just have to move those feet to the BEAT! Let’s WALK! Download, stream, or purchase our latest workouts and accessories! Subscribe to our best-selling …
How do Carbohydrates impact our Health? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children
Buy AumSum Merchandise: http://bit.ly/3srNDiG Website: https://www.aumsum.com When we eat carbohydrates, they are broken down into glucose which is absorbed into our bloodstream. On detecting glucose, the pancreas releases a hormone called insulin. Insulin tells our cells to open and let glucose in so that it can be used as energy. …
Read More »I’m NOT Doing Routine Videos Anymore!?
You know I LOVE a routine, but I just can’t right now. It sucks, but I had to share what’s going on with you guys. I promise it will be worth it though. Be the first to know – 6.21.21 – http://bit.ly/lsfsurpriseyt
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The 10 best home workout videos
The gym is shut and to top it off, you’re only allowed out of the house once a day. But hey, before you start doing backflips (metaphorically, although real ones would be bloody impressive and a good way to work out if you’ve got the space), we’re here to help …
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