Have you ever wanted to know what someone was feeling or what they mean to say based on their body language, gestures, eye contact, facial expressions, or behavior alone? Maybe you’ve seen too many episodes of Sherlock, and so now you’re determined to become a detective yourself. While no one …
Read More »6 Subtle Behaviors To Make Others Like You Instantly
Do you want others to like you? We all have something that makes us great to someone out there. Are you looking for advice on how to develop some likable behaviors and habits that get others to notice you? To help you become an even greater person, here are some …
Read More »How to Eliminate Constipation Instantly & Naturally! Drug-free Laxative Juice Recipe
Sign-up for my 2020 FullyRaw Retreats in Bali & St. Lucia here: https://www.fullyraw.com/kristina-retreat Please watch the video and check out the webpages for more details. For questions and inquiries, please email: retreats@fullyraw.com I hope to see you there!
Get the NAMA JUICER HERE: https://namawell.com/products/vitality-5800/?ref=fullyrawkristina
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