Trauma is something that many of us have had some kind of experience with. Have you experienced it too? According to a study published in the Journal of Traumatic Stress, approximately 70% of adults in the United States have or will experience a traumatic event in their lives. Though trauma …
Read More »6 Telltale Signs You’re Feeling Numb
Have you ever been feeling numb but you don’t know why? You may have heard someone who suffers from depression or another mental illness say they feel emotionally numb, but what does this mean exactly? Suffering from emotional numbness doesn’t mean you have to feel nothing all the time. Your …
Read More »FAKING A DISORDER!? (DID) | Dissociative Identity Disorder | Mental Health Awareness
TLDR: Worrying about faking is normal due to how DID develops, and trying to find out if someone is “fake” without good reason to be suspicious makes their private medical details and trauma history none of your business || Guidelines for Treating Dissociative Identity Disorder in Adults, Third Revision: …