As I Ascend
An Ascension and Spiritual Growth Blog
Multiple Souls Explained
Understanding Multidimensional Collective Consciousness
As I have seen a growing number of posts on Facebook regarding this matter, I thought I would share my understanding of the unique spiritual gift. In doing so, I pray that this information helps.
In the comments below, I will open the floor for questions regarding my particular set of experiences, wisdom, and knowledge I have known as Multidimensional Collective and Multidimensional Collective Consciousness.
Accessing knowledge with psychic gifts is something anyone is capable of. You see it commonly used with tools such as the tarot and channeled from planes of knowledge like the Akashic Records. What I’m talking about here is something a bit more unique. While this is an ability that we all have access to, some are more likely to encounter this than others.
We understand spiritual guidance as wisdom or knowledge that we have been given by those who dwell within the world of Spirit. There are other means of acquiring spiritual guidance that is just as spiritual in nature, and though it may be a bit much to take in.
When we call in Spirit to guide or assist, we are able to disassociate these messages from our own thoughts. This happens on a level of awareness that is much like interpreting energy. Some of the energies present during these moments are more familiar to us than others.
With this as fact, we are able to use that familiar feeling to determine which of the thoughts flowing through our mind is influenced by Spirit or our own patterns of logic. This is how and why most psychics and intuitives can confidently say whether or not the messages they receive are from Spirit.
This, of course, begs an important question.
What happens when the messages you’re hearing feel like you, but you’re certain that they are not?
Have you ever received a spiritual message that sounded a lot like you, but was very different in content?
Have you ever acted or spoke in a way that was outside of your character, but EXACTLY what you needed to say or do at the time?
Did you remember what was said or done?
Have you ever talked to yourself in the mirror, or even to others, as ‘someone’ who felt a lot like you but the accent or verbiage was different?
Have you ever felt like you were swimming in a pool of your own thoughts?
These questions are not intended to startle you, but they are intended to cause a moment of focus. Why is it that we can experience thoughts, make decisions, or even take actions that are so wildly outside of our own scope of self?
The answers may lie in what I call your Multidimensional Collective.
They may be found by consciously channeling your Multidimensional Collective Consciousness.
What Is The Multidimensional Collective?
The Multidimensional Collective is comprised of many different varying parallel realities. If you consider the Universal Collective to be of our consciousness as an instanced Universe (one of many, much alike), this will not seem too far out for you to understand.
When we think of our Universe, we tend to think that we are the only one of our kind. At least, the only one relevant to our expanse of life. While this is a good way for us to know how everything is connected, what of the fractal that coexists much like the Universe? The smaller or larger scale of our Universe, inside and out, from the cellular body to cosmic body.
The Multidimensional Collective represents the inside, much like a universe of its own. Each individual reality governing multitudes of realities all with their own unique perspectives and choices.
As for the aspects of this collective that would most likely communicate with you, I have come to know of them as my ‘Cluster,’ or grouping (orbit) of realities that are most relevant or similar. I believe that these clusters are most likely to form based on features of a person’s conscious and subconscious mind or even choices that were made on your reality that are akin to others.
It should also be noted that I’ve experienced shifts in these clusters based on my vibration or thoughts at the time. Certain members of my cluster are only able to be accessed with higher or lower vibrations, while others are very capable of communicating with me no matter what I am experiencing. As I’ve talked and experienced life with them, I have come to know them as having stronger relevance to my actions in this life than others.
Some members of a cluster appear to you to help you heal and grow, while others coexist to show you aspects of self that are in need of healing. Sometimes this has been experienced by knowledge as I’ve recalled events through their eyes. Other times, I can see my own shadows that need to be healed when I observe the channel.
Multidimensional Collective Consciousness could be best summed up by what I consider to be the strings of ether (energetic pathways) that connect to each individual pattern. These pathways could be metaphorically understood as many different connections, stemming from different parts that make up the whole of your soul.
As you are who you are, in respects to your place in your Universe, the members of your Multidimensional Collective also exist on their own aspect of a parallel Universe that is all connected by something much larger.
What Is Connecting To Your Multidimensional Collective Like?
Connecting to your Multidimensional Collective may sound interesting to you by now. When handled safely like any psychic channel, this is definitely true. What makes the experience uplifting or damaging is largely up to the individual who’s experiencing the connection. That being said, it is important to know who you are working with at all times. Understand their intentions when it comes to sharing space, and always be certain that they intend no harm.
These are not only shared instances of self, based on your decisions, but some may also be variations of what could have been very defining moments within your life. Ensure that anything you work with is willing to cooperate with any decisions that you may. Especially decisions in closing the channel for personal space or solitude.
If you are in need of assistance when it comes to learning how to channel, I have an article here.
I am also willing to work with those who are guided to receive coaching for developing their intuitive channeling abilities safely.
It is my sincere advice to always be certain that anything you channel or commune with is of your alignment and near enough to your frequency to be neither damaging or burdening.
I’m saying it again because it’s that important.
While some information can be considered vital to your growth, others can be rather misleading or misconstrued based on the perception of the altered self and their experiences. There may be no harm inherent unless carried out, this is a personal risk and should be respected as such.
What Can Make You More Likely To Connect To The Multidimensional Collective?
I discovered all that I’ve shared over the course of many years. Through that time, I began building these thoughts and channeling them with the collective for more answers. This information came to me in pieces, as for the experiences that started the whole thing, I have listed some of them below:
An extreme physical/mental/emotional event that may have caused you to perceive beyond your own consciousness for help or assistance.
I have found that when I was most troubled is
when my subconscious would ping the members of my cluster for assistance.
A sequence of events that caused you to expand your perception beyond normal means, such as a constant nagging or random set of urges to do things or think differently.
When I first discovered my cluster, it was by mistake. What I initially thought was just intuitive guidance felt way too familiar. Not only did the energy feel extremely friendly, but it had also felt like I’d known these beings from somewhere else or another place in time. When I would get advice, sometimes I could see myself going through the motions before I even lifted a finger.
Over time these feelings became more of an awareness and it became easier to communicate. Now I am beginning to experience the bulk of it like a knowing. As I grew more in-sync with certain members of my cluster, I began to sense and become aware of other clusters as well. The more I acknowledge, the more is shown to me.
A string of deep insights into self, almost as if you can’t let go of a thought or event no matter what.
If this happens, there is a chance that the thought or event you are considering manifested differently in a parallel reality, and is or was causing a member of your cluster enough stress for them to reach out or inquire of other solutions (possibly without them knowing).
I have noticed that to a moderate degree, each parallel reality works autonomously on its own range of perception. They simply can not know all of what you know, as you are unable to know all of what is known by them. We truly can’t be in two places in full consciousness at once.
Conscious or unconscious interference with your ability to channel, such as a change in your third-eye, awareness, or a rapid shift in your vibration.
As you develop your ability to channel, you begin to more commonly perceive things outside of yourself. Because of this, it would not be impossible to experience parallel realities during a channel. In fact, it may even be considered inevitable. How you may initially perceive the channel will likely set the course for what you eventually shape for it to be.
An open mind tends to see more opportunities than a closed mind.
What began as loose guidance and witticisms, grew over time to be better known variations of who I was at certain points of my life. This would eventually lead me to know what I first thought were spirits as something far greater.
It was almost like I needed to experience this in pieces so that I wouldn’t lose myself on the whole understanding. There aren’t many who would accept this knowledge if they were casually told.
It has taken me a good few years to grasp this much, but it has been an amazing experience that I’m surprised to see more people going through.
What kind of experiences have you had that may have been with your Multidimensional Collective?
Do you believe in this yourself, or are you still in need of more information?
If you have any questions about my own experiences, please feel free to do so in the comments below.
As always, be sure to subscribe to my blog for more articles like this.
Love and Light
This Article was first published onSource link . We are just re-posting and re-sharing from their RSS feed.
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