Thursday , March 13 2025
you make a difference

Making A Difference In The World

you make a difference

Making A Difference In The World

I work on a daily basis with people who know that they want to transform themselves physically and mentally. As human beings, we all have an innate sense that to be truly happy in life, we need to start that journey with a sense of worth in our own bodies and accomplishments. I’ve seen thousands of people take that first small step and then go on to become healthy and successful.

The funny thing is that most of those people have also found that their personal development is still not enough to achieve true fulfillment and happiness in life. Most successful individuals find that despite their personal growth, they still have the overpowering need to “make a difference” in this world.

Discipline and Self-Motivation

Individuals, who find the discipline and the self-motivation to change their own life, can still be overwhelmed by the task of making a difference in the world. We all feel like it would be an enormous task, and that anything that we can do as individuals, is too small and insignificant to make much of a difference. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. It is not the size of the contribution to the world that matters, but rather your efforts and motivation in making that difference – even if it is just for one other person. The beloved Mother Teresa summed up this philosophy best with her famous quote,

“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.”

~ Mother Teresa

Lead By Example

We should also seek to influence others to start doing things that make a difference, and the best way to convince other people is to lead by example. Make it a habit to do one small thing each day to make a difference in the world. Other people will notice. You don’t need to do it in a flashy or self-serving way – just do it. Before long, the example that you set will begin to be followed by those around you and before you know it, your one small drop of helping to make a difference becomes a wave of people making a difference.

Begin to make a difference by doing anything to help someone that is in your power to do TODAY. Help someone without a car get to an appointment, and then help them find a way to get around whenever they need transportation. Offer to watch an overworked mother’s child for a few hours every week, while she takes a personal time break. Make a small donation to a local charity that empowers people. All of these small things can get the process of “making a difference” started.

Once you get started, your daily personal example will empower others to make the same daily effort to change the world. To keep the process going, be generous in your praise and recognition of others who make a difference through their contributions. Help them blossom and grow in their efforts.

By empowering other like-minded individuals, you can make a difference to the collective effort that is being made by all enlightened human beings. Let others know that you find value if their contributions.

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” – Buddha

The important thing in “making a difference”  is to not focus too much on your own fulfillment in making your contributions, but instead focus on the happiness and power that you give to others. Share your riches and reveal to others the many riches that they have that may have been hidden to them. When you help other human beings unlock their potential, it enriches you as well. It’s easy.


Empowering Others

Finally, look to make a difference that is long-term and permanent. The old proverb that if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, but if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime, is so true. The good that we seek to do will make more of a difference when there’s a long-lasting effect rather than a temporary effect. Too often, we help people in a way that only makes them feel more dependent and powerless.

Try to help people in a way that it empowers them, by giving them the power to help themselves. Find solutions. Educate people. Teach them to help themselves and others.

You Can Make A Difference

So “making a difference” in this world, by first getting your own body, mind, and life in shape. This first step gives you the energy, skills, and motivation to help others. Then just take the time to lead the way by doing daily small exercises in kindness and charity. Next, follow up your individual efforts, by sincerely encouraging and acknowledging the contributions of others.

Finally, look for ways to make a difference that are long-lasting and that empower those who you help to also become “difference-makers”. Before long you will have made a significant contribution to the world that will bring you a lifetime of blessings and happiness.  Making a difference matters.

Laura London

This Article was first published onSource link . We are just re-posting and re-sharing from their RSS feed.

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