Sunday , December 22 2024

Aromatherapy may reduce nurses’ stress – "The researchers found that participants felt significantly less stressed, anxious, fatigued and overwhelmed after wearing the aromatherapy patches. The levels of anxiety and fatigue they reported fell by 40 percent, and their stress"

Interesting way to use aromatherapy (patches attached to nurses ID).

I have been researching about aromatherapy (scent – nasal, massotherapy – skin and capsules of the oil – oral), specifically Lavandula angustifolia, a species of lavender, and its effects in reducing anxiety and better sleep quality. Most studies are well controlled (RCT and some double blind) and meta analyses are good.

I’m starting to use it and bought some to my mother (history of anxiety and sleep problems, aside from stress). I would suggest it to anyone with those issues at lesser – medium degree.

This Article was first published onSource link . We are just re-posting and re-sharing from their RSS feed.

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