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Healing Massage Therapy – Relaxing to Reducing Pain, Depression and Stress #46

Healing Massage Therapy – Relaxing to Reducing Pain, Depression and Stress #46

Healing Massage Therapy – Relaxing to Reducing Pain, Depression and Stress #46

Healing Massage Therapy - Relaxing to Reducing Pain, Depression and Stress #46

Healing Massage Therapy – Massage can assist the body relieve tension, relax muscles that are sore or aching, boost confidence, and induce mental relaxation. A combination of herbal medication and specific pharmaceuticals serve to eliminate extra fat, stiffen the body, and therefore promote efficient weight loss.

– Massage healing across the world: Thai massage, Swedish massage, Traditional massage, Japan massage, and Vietnam massage are some popular massage methods around the world.

– The use of healing massage:
+ Adjust posture
+ Make good sleep
+ Reduce anxiety
+ Headache relief
+ Effective for all types of pain
+ Weight loss
+Prevents the accumulation of deposits in the joints and reduces the swelling of the muscles. Strengthen the ability of the muscles tissue to treat quickly and effectively.

Different types of Healing Massage Therapy

Acupressure is a technique that, in theory, is comparable to acupuncture. It is based on the idea of life energy flowing via the body’s “meridians.” Physical pressure is administered to acupuncture points in order to unblock blockages in those meridians during treatment. Fingers, palms, elbows, toes, and other instruments can be used to provide pressure.

Some medical studies have claimed that acupressure may be beneficial in treating nausea and vomiting, as well as lower back discomfort, tension headaches, and stomach aches, among other things, although such research have been found to be biased.

Aquatic bodywork comprises a wide range of massage and bodywork styles conducted in water. This comprises land-based forms performed in water (e.g., Aquatic Craniosacral Therapy, Aquatic Myofascial Release Therapy, etc.), as well as forms particular to warm water pools (e.g., Aquatic Integration, Dolphin Dance, Healing Dance, Jahara method, WaterDance, Watsu) (e.g., Aquatic Integration, Dolphin Dance, Healing Dance, Jahara technique, WaterDance, Watsu)

ashiatsu, the practitioner utilizes their feet to administer treatment. The name derives from the Japanese, ashi for foot and atsu for pressure. This technique often involves the heel, sesamoid, arch, and/or whole plantar surface of foot, and offers considerable compression, tension and shear forces with less pressure than an elbow, and is appropriate for large muscles, such as in thigh, or for long-duration upper trapezius compressions. Other manual therapy techniques involving the feet to deliver treatment include Keralite, Barefoot Lomilomi, and Chavutti Thirumal.

Ayurvedic massage is known as Abhyangam in Sanskrit. According to the Ayurvedic Classics Abhayngam is a vital dincharya (Daily Regimen) that is needed for sustaining a healthy lifestyle. The massage technique utilized during Ayurvedic Massage seeks to stimulate the lymphatic system. Practitioners suggest that the benefits of frequent Ayurvedic massage include pain alleviation, reduction of weariness, better immune system, and improved longevity.

Burmese massage Sapel in Yangon offers traditional Burmese foot massages.Burmese massage, also known as Yoe Yar Nhake Nal Chin, or “traditional massage” in Myanmar, has historical roots in Thai, Chinese, and Indian medicine. Burmese massage now involves the use of native natural products like Thanaka, which promotes smooth skin and protects against sunburn.

Burmese massage uses acupuncture, reflexology, and kneading techniques to massage the entire body from head to toe. Acupressure with the elbows, fast gentle pounding on acupressure sites, and slow kneading of tight muscles are all signature massage strokes. The massage is intended to improve blood circulation and sleep quality while also promoting better skin condition.

Bio-mechanical stimulation (BMS) massage – Localised biomechanical oscillation approaches, in which local muscle groups are stimulated directly or via the accompanying tendons using dedicated hand-held mechanical vibration devices, are referred to as bio-mechanical stimulation (BMS). Biomechanical oscillation therapy and training are used to improve muscular function and coordination and balance in a range of settings, including competitive sports, fitness, rehabilitation, medicine, preventive, and beauty. It’s frequently utilized in myofascial trigger point therapy to activate reciprocal inhibition in the musculoskeletal system. The efficacy of the BMS Matrix therapy was demonstrated in an independent research conducted by TÜV-Süd on behalf of German health insurer BKK Gesundheit.

Biodynamic Massage – Gerda Boyesen developed Biodynamic Massage as part of Biodynamic Psychotherapy. It incorporates both hands-on and “energetic work,” as well as the use of a stethoscope to detect peristalsis.

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a pseudoscience that uses gentle touch on the head, face, spine, and pelvis to increase fluid movement and cranial bone motion.

Erotic Massage
A sort of erotic massage in which a person applies massage techniques to another person’s erogenous zones in order to induce or enhance sexual stimulation or arousal, as well as climax.It was once employed for medical reasons, including the treatment of “female hysteria” and “womb illness.”Nuru massage is a type of sexual massage popular in Japan.

Lomilomi massage Hawaii’s traditional massage is known as lomilomi. It differs by island and family as a traditional ritual. In Samoa and East Futuna, the term lomilomi is also used to describe massage. It’s also known as lolomi and milimili in Samoa. It’s also known as milimili, fakasolosolo, amoamo, lusilusi, kinikini, and fai’ua in East Futuna. It is known among the Mori as romiromi and mirimiri. Tonga has three types of massage: fotofota, tolotolo, and amoamo. It’s rumirumi in Tahiti. Massage is called as popo on Nanumea, pressure application is kukumi, and heat application is tutu. Massage has also been documented in the Solomon Islands’ Tikopia, Rarotonga, and Western Samoa’s Pukapuka.


– See more interesting video here:
How to fix Back Pain with Healing Massage Techniques:

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