Sunday , February 16 2025
What Does Testosterone Do for Men: 15 Vital Benefits to Up Your Game

What Does Testosterone Do for Men: 15 Vital Benefits to Up Your Game

What are the Effects of Testosterone for Older Men?

First of all, what is testosterone?

Testosterone is a male sex hormone.

A hormone is a chemical messenger between cells of our body.

Definition of a Hormone

“A hormone is a chemical substance produced in the body that controls and regulates the activity of specific cells or organs.

Hormones are essential for every activity of life, including the processes of digestion, metabolism, growth, reproduction, and mood control.

Many hormones, such as neurotransmitters, are active in more than one physical process.” ¹

What does testosterone do in the body?

  • Testosterone gives you the characteristics of a man,
  • It is the hormone that makes you male.
  • A simple blood test will reveal your testosterone levels.
  • Studies suggest the healthiest men have testosterone levels between 400-600 ng/dL.²
  • Your testes (testicles) produce testosterone, and your pituitary gland controls this process.
  • Women do have small amounts of testosterone, but that is beyond the scope of this post.
  • Every benefit of this incredible hormone is something that every man wants more of, not less.
  • Continue to educate yourself about it’s critical importance to your mental and physical health and fitness.
  • Review the benefits of testosterone over and over again.
  • Therefore,  please read carefully, as this information is so vital for your well being, especially if you are a man over 20 or older.
  • That’s right, testosterone levels peak in men at age 30 (some say by age 20) and slowly decrease after that.

Why Increase Testosterone? - image Testosterone

Testosterone Plays a Crucial Role in Your Life

  1. Increases your sex drive
  2. Stronger erections,
  3. Better sexual function and less erectile dysfunction
  4. Improves your mood stability
  5. Clearer thinking
  6. Greater strength,
  7. A more optimistic outlook,
  8. Calmer disposition
  9. Increases muscle mass and strength – critical whether you are into bodybuilding or not; muscle is your friend!
  10. More body hair
  11. Clear skin tone
  12. Stronger bone density
  13. Red blood cell production
  14. Decrease of belly fat
  15. Better metabolism

Every man should want increased levels of testosterone.

Just look at the benefits of normal testosterone levels; strength, solid erections, rock-solid emotions, more muscle, more hair, less belly fat.

Isn’t that what every man (and woman) wants (in her man?).

The Dangers of Low T

Conversely, look at the terrible consequences of not having enough:

  • A lower desire for sex
  • Diminished erectile quality, particularly for nighttime erections
  • Changes in mood
  • Reduced intellectual and cognitive powers
  • Fatigue, depression, and anger
  • A decrease in muscle mass and strength
  • Less body hair
  • Skin alterations
  • Decreased bone mass/mineral density
  • Increase in abdominal fat mass.³

7 Natural Ways to Raise Testosterone – Ken D. Berry, MD

How to Increase Testosterone Naturally

Now that you know what testosterone does for you, how do you ensure that you have enough?

Even worse, if your levels are low, how can you increase your testosterone naturally?

#1. Sleep  

Sleep is about the most comfortable habit you can adopt to increase your testosterone levels but often neglected.

The longer, the better, and the more refreshed you are going to feel.

#2. Lose Your Excess Body Fat

That will decrease your estrogen levels and increase testosterone.

To lose your fat, focus on eating vegetables like broccoli, which has spectacular benefits, hearty legumes like black beans, lentils, and chickpeas, and lean proteins.

Keep it lean and green.

Avoid if not eliminate fruit juices, soda, junk food, bread, milk products.

#3. Strength Train

The best exercises to do are compound exercises that engage the maximum number of muscles in your body. For example, some of the essential training which can boost your T-levels are:


The one drawback with squats is that they are not simple to perform, especially if you have a lack of mobility in your knee or ankle joints. For this reason, another excellent choice to improve your overall fitness is the deadlift.


Deadlifts are more accessible to perform than squats. However, do not make the mistake of thinking that deadlifts do not require the best technique possible.

At first glance, you might think that all you have to do is bend over and pick up a barbell loaded with weights.

But, nothing can be further from the truth. The deadlift is a very technical lift, and you need to learn as much as you can before you start deadlifting.

Otherwise, you make yourself vulnerable to injury.


Because pushups are a great overall exercise, they are a staple for every armed force in the world. All you need is your floor.

So, get up out of your chair and start doing 100 pushups a day.

#4. Zinc

Get enough zinc in your diet. Pumpkin seeds and beans are an excellent source.

#5. Get enough vitamin D

Get out in the sun every day or take a Vitamin D supplement.

Natural Treatments for Low T – Dr. Josh Axe

What Does Testosterone Do – Final Thoughts

How does a better mood, leaner, and more energetic sound? So, a lot!

And all you have to do is make some simple changes.

Get a good night’s sleep, spend some more time outdoors and, limit if not eliminate high glycemic index foods, such as:

Instead, focus your meals on vegetables for increased testosterone, cruciferous vegetables like asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and mustard greens.

Also, be sure to include beans like black beans, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, and lentils, as is wonderfully explained by Tim Ferris in the 4-hour body.

For proteins, you can also use lean proteins like eggs, tuna, turkey, and chicken.

Keep it lean and green.

What’s Next

Before turning to testosterone replacement therapy, which can have adverse side effects, first consider what you can do to improve your health and fitness without drugs.

For example, if you are overweight or obese, this free guide to losing 20 pounds in 3 months can help you reach an ideal weight for your height. It did for me, and it will do the same for you.

Second, I discovered on my quest to get fit at 55 that deadlifts can lean out your body faster than anything you could ever imagine. Whether you deadlift heavy weights or not.

So, take action and start this 12 Week Deadlift Program for Beginners to dramatically change your body and even life.

Also, if necessary, use the SIGECAPS mnemonic to manage depression before starting on antidepressants.

Note: Before beginning the Hashi Mashi Diet + Training Program, take the CSEP PAR Q; Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire, and be sure to consult your doctor for medical advice.

Most Important Deadlift Articles:

Because the deadlift can play such an important role in improving your testosterone levels, and ultimately your health and fitness, here are some of the most helpful articles about deadlifting benefits, form, technique, critical gear, and motivation:


¹ What are hormones? –

² Ibid. Normal testosterone levels for men

³ How testosterone affects your body

This Article was first published onSource link . We are just re-posting and re-sharing from their RSS feed.

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