Sunday , February 16 2025
6 Signs of Melancholic Depression

6 Signs of Melancholic Depression

Hey, Psych2goers! This week is Mental Illness Awareness Week! To acknowledge this, we wanted to post a video about melancholic depression to help raise awareness.

So, have you heard of the term “Malanchonic Depression”? Today, the DSM recognizes melancholic depression as a subtype of depression rather than a separate diagnosis. The diagnosis for someone experiencing the distinct symptoms of melancholia is known as melancholic major depressive disorder (MDD). Also, as a disclaimer, this video is dor educational purposes only. Please do not self diagnose. If you want to learn more about depression, you can also check out our video on concealed depression:

#mdd #melancholic #depression #psych2go

This video is made possible by Betterhelp, an affordable online counseling platform. Use the link below to help support psych2go:

Writer: Allison Ikenouye
Script Editor: Isadora Ho
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Marissa Maldonado
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Fletcher, K., Parker, G., Paterson, A., Fava, M., Iosifescu. D., & Pizzagalli, A, D. (2015). Anhedonia in melancholic and non-melancholic depressive disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders, 184, 81-88.
Fraser, I. A. (2017). A short look at the etymology of melancholia. Boston College, 3, 1-3.

Gurvich-Winograd, C., Fitzgerald, P. B., Georgiou-Karistianis, N., Bradshaw, J. L., & White, O.B. (2006). Negative symptoms: A review of schizophrenia, melancholic depression and parkinson’s disease. Brain Research Bulletin,70, 312-321

Kranjac, D. (2019, Aug 22). Cognitive function in depression: The role of melancholic features. Psychiatry Advisor. Retrieved from

Parker, G. (2015). Back to black: Why melancholia must be understood as distinct form of depression. The Conversation. Retrieved from

Purse, M. (2020, Mar 21). An overview of melancholic depression. Very Well Mind. Retrieved from

Sachdev, P., & Anis, M. A. (1994). Slowness of movement in melancholic depression. Society of Biological Psychiatry, 35, 253-262.

Schimelpfening, N. (2020, Mar 24). An overview of diurnal mood variation. Very Well Mind. Retrieved from

If you have any questions or video requests that you would like to share with us, please feel free to email us at [email protected]


About bobby

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