Friday , March 21 2025
10-Minute Home  Total Body Toning Workout

10-Minute Home Total Body Toning Workout

How to tone up the whole body? Most of the exercise plans we see online are targeted at certain areas: buttocks, belly, legs, you name it! As a result, the rest of your body doesn’t get its dose of love, and you don’t get the results you’re hoping for. If you wanna transform your body completely, you need a total body toning workout.

Exercises with resistance bands are very simple, they can help you achieve great results and they can also be done anywhere. If you want to have a full-fledged workout, you don’t necessarily need to go to the gym or buy weights: this simple and effective tool will help you develop your muscles by using the force of resistance. We at Bright Side have tried a short workout with these resistance bands and want to show you the series of exercises that we enjoyed the most. You can choose just a few of them, but in order to achieve the best results, we recommend doing all the exercises.

Exercise #1: Leg swings 0:52
Exercise #2: Side steps 2:33
Exercise #3: Squats 4:08
Exercise #4: Lunges 5:26
Exercise #5: Knees to chest 7:04
Exercise #6: Upward leg swings 8:43
Exercise #7: Bicycle 10:26
Exercise #8: Bridge 11:50
Exercise #9: Inner thighs exercise 13:18
Exercise #10: Deltoid exercise 14:55
Exercise #11: Biceps and triceps exercise 15:12
Exercise #12: Ultimate arm muscle exercise 17:14
Exercise #13: Stretching 18:46

#bodytraining #burnfat #workout

Music by Epidemic Sound

– #1. The tighter you make it, the harder and more effective the exercise will be.
– #2. If you’re using a band, put it on your hips right above your knees. Now step to the side, bending your knees a little bit and slightly lowering your upper body.
– #3. Stand straight with your legs hip-width apart, and leave your band in the same position. From here, bend your knees as if sitting, and slightly lower your upper body.
– #4. Take a big step forward with your right leg. If you’re exercising with a resistance band, stand on it with the leg you put forward, and hold the ends.
– #5. Get into a plank position. If you’re using the band, grab the ends of it with your hands, and put your right leg in between it.
– #6. Leave the band in the same position if you’re using it, and stand on all fours. From here, push your right leg up with your knee bent.
– #7. The bicycle exercise trains your legs, abs, and buttocks. In addition, it increases your core strength and stamina, especially if you’re doing it with a resistance band.
– #8. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your resistance band fixed right above them. From this position, lift your hips up while keeping your shoulders firmly on the floor.
– #9. Lie on your right side with your right elbow on the floor and your knees slightly bent. Raise your left leg while keeping it bent.
– #10. Put your resistance band on the ground, and step into the middle of it. Take the ends, put your arms in front of your stomach, and swing your right arm to the right and your left arm to the left.
– #11. Put your resistance band on your wrists, lift your arms, and bend them a little. Now push your arms out to the sides, and return them back to the initial position.
– #12. Put your left arm in front of your chest and your right one a bit lower. Hold your resistance band with your right hand, and fix it next to your left wrist.
– #13. Put your hands behind your back, holding the resistance band. From this position, pull the band up with your right hand. Hold it like that for about 2 seconds, and then lower it back down.

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