Categories: Weight Loss

What Happens When You Exercise for 30 Minutes a Day

It’s always hard to force yourself to go to the gym and start doing all these push-ups, squats and splits, but doing sports is not as difficult as you may think. In fact, studies show that even 30 minutes of daily exercise is enough to keep you healthy and in shape. And when you feel the energy boost that every workout leaves you with and see the first results, you’ll find a soft spot in your heart for exercising.

Let’s take a look at what you can expect from your body when you finally pull yourself together and start training. Did you know that regular exercising makes the musculoskeletal system of your body stronger, so your bones become denser? Also, you become less prone to stress, and you’re less likely to experience depression and mood swings. But there are a lot of other amazing benefits of daily workouts. Here they are!

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#easyexersices #workout #healthtips

During training 0:54
Just after training 2:04
After a few weeks of regular training 3:49
After a few months of regular training 4:53
After a few years of regular training 6:11

– During training your system goes through a lot of processes. First of all, your metabolic rate increases. Simply speaking, your body burns more calories. That’s why a lot of experts suggest not to be so strict with yourself and eat a pizza or a piece of cake if you want, but always do a couple more exercises when usual during your next workout. Also, your blood viscosity improves.
– Everyone knows this feeling that you get after a good training when you feel exhausted but at the same time surprisingly energized. Well, at this time, your brain starts to release more endorphins, which lift your mood. Endorphins reduce pain, as they activate special receptors in your brain. They also have a bunch of other positive effects on your body and mind: they help overcome addictions, deal with anxiety, depression and overall improve your immune system!
– A couple of hours after a workout your blood pressure becomes normalized. Plus, did you notice that you become more confident after training and your self-esteem improves? You feel like you can do anything and your motivation grows. No wonder that happens, you just survived numerous crunches, planks, and lunges!
– Proper training gradually improves your system – your heart and blood vessels start to work better. Your lung capacity improves, which leads to a general increase of your stamina. As you’ll continue regular exercising, you would forget about such thing as being short of breath – that’s also the benefit of great lung capacity. Talking of other great changes a week of working out leads to, your blood hemoglobin level also improves: the number of red blood cells per cubic millimeter of blood increases from 5 million to 6 million.
– Months of regular training influence your system on a whole other level. First of all, the oxygen transfer to your muscles increases and microcirculatory blood flow improves. Secondly, the coordination of your movements improves, which also helps you strengthen your nervous system. In fact, the speed of nerve impulse transmission increases, which results in the improvement of brain activity.
– If you’re not a big fan of the gym, you can always find something to your liking, for example, cycling, or even create your own program of exercises that you would enjoy, or at least tolerate. If you lack motivation and fortunately enough you have a friend, who also can’t pull him- or herself to start working out, you can try to go to the gym together so that you can stimulate one another.

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