Categories: Mental Health

Today I Love Making Tax Filing Progress

pot of souppot of soup
The modern day cauldron … and lunch

Today I love making tax filing progress by acquiring a tax filing software package. I love that this brings a sense of calm to my household and calm is good in these interesting times. I love calm when it suddenly descends or when I suddenly notice its presence in my realm. I love keeping myself busy in quiet ways, that promotes calmness. I love that doing my taxes never calms me but also doesn’t worry or upset me. I love that getting my taxes done does calm me some though not so much that I feel the need to celebrate or anything like that. I love calm enough that even the calm I get from doing my taxes is enough of a reason to get them done. I love that my taxes are up to date so far and not nine years behind like they were a few years ago, and that calms me also. I love when I tell people I’ve been nine years behind on my taxes before and they clearly are not calm when they hear that but if I tell them I’m all caught up now they calm down. I love that I’ve written a lot about love and taxes today and those seem like mutually exclusive topics and so I think I’ll stop talking about them now. 😉

Today I love that I am fed and showered and my morning is well begun, though sadly it is the start of the afternoon already so that went rather quickly. I love that we are on our own time schedule here and so lunch is coming up soon, but it will be after one when that happens and possibly 1:30 before we actually eat. I love that we are having leftovers from last night’s supper and that’s good because it was good. I love that we got a grocery delivery today and we got almost everything but the beer.; I’ll survive, there was no alcohol in it anyway.

Today I love planning meals and discussing baking and what we should make and what we should hold off on because if there is too much baking in this house we will eat it all and that’s not good. I love that I am still threatening to make carrot cake, a threat that has come closer to realization since the arrival of the grocery order that included carrots. I love that I start grocery lists several times and then after I place an order I find some of the abandoned lists and smack my head and say, “Why did I not order …” whatever was on the list that got forgotten, I make myself laugh a lot.

Today I love drinking coffee while leftover lunch bubbles away in the cooker like a cauldron of witch’s brew, with apologies to all my witch friends for the reference.

Kelly Babcock

I was born in the city of Toronto in 1959, but moved when I was in my fourth year of life. I was raised and educated in a rural setting, growing up in a manner I like to refer to as free range. I live in an area where my family history stretches back 6 or more generations. I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 50 and have been both struggling with the new reality and using my discoveries to make my life better. I write two blogs here at Psych Central, one about having ADHD and one that is a daily positive affirmation that acts as an example of finding the good in as much of my life as I possibly can.

Find out more about me on my website: writeofway.

email me at ADHD Man

APA Reference

Babcock, K. (2020). Today I Love Making Tax Filing Progress. Psych Central.
Retrieved on April 18, 2020, from

This Article was first published onSource link . We are just re-posting and re-sharing from their RSS feed.

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