
Everything Jamie Foxx Eats To Stay In Peak Physical Shape | Eat Like | Men’s HealthEverything Jamie Foxx Eats To Stay In Peak Physical Shape | Eat Like | Men’s Health

Everything Jamie Foxx Eats To Stay In Peak Physical Shape | Eat Like | Men’s Health

The Mojito diet? The Hollywood diet? Not Jamie Foxx. He explains what he actually eats in a day – eggs,…

3 years ago
Sneak Peak: 30-Minute Full-Body Cardio & Toning Workout From Jake DuPreeSneak Peak: 30-Minute Full-Body Cardio & Toning Workout From Jake DuPree

Sneak Peak: 30-Minute Full-Body Cardio & Toning Workout From Jake DuPree

Get the full 30-minute workout here: Jake DuPree is back to take you through a nonstop cardio and full-body…

5 years ago