mental health

6 Signs You’re Depressed, Not Lazy6 Signs You’re Depressed, Not Lazy

6 Signs You’re Depressed, Not Lazy

Have you lost your sense of direction in life and didn’t know what else to do? Do you always feel…

4 years ago
Have Fear of Abandonment? 6 Telltale Signs..Have Fear of Abandonment? 6 Telltale Signs..

Have Fear of Abandonment? 6 Telltale Signs..

The fear of abandonment is one of the most damaging fears to many. A form of anxiety, a fear of…

4 years ago
Annoying Things NOT To Say To Those With a Mental IllnessAnnoying Things NOT To Say To Those With a Mental Illness

Annoying Things NOT To Say To Those With a Mental Illness

Are you suffering from mental illnesses like depression or anxiety? Do you know someone who is? People who are suffering…

4 years ago
8 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Mental Health8 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Mental Health

8 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Mental Health

Have you ever wondered what healthy habits you should add to your list of to-dos? We all should give enough…

4 years ago
6 Signs You’re Hurting Your Mental Health6 Signs You’re Hurting Your Mental Health

6 Signs You’re Hurting Your Mental Health

Let's talk about mental health. Are you struggling with your mental health lately, or need mental health tips? Oftentimes, we…

4 years ago
4 Types of OCD & How They Manifest4 Types of OCD & How They Manifest

4 Types of OCD & How They Manifest

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, is a mental illness that is exhibited by repetitive unwanted or intrusive thoughts - the obsessions…

4 years ago
5 Physical Signs of Past Trauma That Most People Miss5 Physical Signs of Past Trauma That Most People Miss

5 Physical Signs of Past Trauma That Most People Miss

Trauma is something that many of us have had some kind of experience with. Have you experienced it too? According…

4 years ago
7 Signs Someone is Hiding Their Pain From You7 Signs Someone is Hiding Their Pain From You

7 Signs Someone is Hiding Their Pain From You

Is there someone you know who has been acting off lately? It might be a change in their tone or…

4 years ago
5 Reasons To Reach Out for Help @Kids Help Phone5 Reasons To Reach Out for Help @Kids Help Phone

5 Reasons To Reach Out for Help @Kids Help Phone

We've partnered up with @Kids Help Phone, Canada's only 24/7 e-mental health solutions service, to make this video. Do you…

4 years ago
6 Thoughts That Are Making You Depressed6 Thoughts That Are Making You Depressed

6 Thoughts That Are Making You Depressed

Are your thoughts making you depressed without realizing it? In our social media society, negative self talk has in many…

4 years ago