dysfunctional relationship

3 Types of People in Dysfunctional Relationships – Which One Are You?3 Types of People in Dysfunctional Relationships – Which One Are You?

3 Types of People in Dysfunctional Relationships – Which One Are You?

When you're in a toxic relationship, do you consider yourself the victim, the rescuer, or the persecutor? The Drama Triangle,…

4 years ago
5 Habits That Ruin Relationships5 Habits That Ruin Relationships

5 Habits That Ruin Relationships

There are certain thoughts and behavior patterns that tend to sabotage relationships. Some of these patterns are obvious red flags,…

4 years ago
Toxic Relationship SignsToxic Relationship Signs

Toxic Relationship Signs

Are you currently in a relationship or about to soon be in one? Here are some warning signs that your…

4 years ago