
16 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety | Healthline

Excess stress is a common problem. Here are 16 effective ways to relieve stress and anxiety. Article: About Healthline:…

2 years ago

Why You Should Quit Sugar, Appreciate Anxiety, and Experiment With Everything | Sarah Wilson

Join our Discord community so you don’t miss out on all the amazing things we are working on -…

3 years ago

Glossophobia: Signs, Symptoms, & Treatments

Have you heard of Glossophobia? Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking, may impact a person’s mental health and success…

3 years ago

5 Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms You Shouldn’t Ignore

We all have different ways of dealing with stressful circumstances. Coping mechanisms are go-to strategies you consciously or unconsciously implement…

3 years ago

Have Fear of Abandonment? 6 Telltale Signs..

The fear of abandonment is one of the most damaging fears to many. A form of anxiety, a fear of…

3 years ago

Annoying Things NOT To Say To Those With a Mental Illness

Are you suffering from mental illnesses like depression or anxiety? Do you know someone who is? People who are suffering…

3 years ago

4 Types of OCD & How They Manifest

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, is a mental illness that is exhibited by repetitive unwanted or intrusive thoughts - the obsessions…

3 years ago

5 Physical Signs of Past Trauma That Most People Miss

Trauma is something that many of us have had some kind of experience with. Have you experienced it too? According…

3 years ago

7 Signs Your Mental Health Is Improving

Often times, Self-care and social life are put on the back burner while we try to navigate the storm of…

3 years ago

Dating With Anxiety: 8 Struggles

Does dating seem impossible because of your anxiety, be it social anxiety disorder or generalized anxiety disorder? Do you tend…

4 years ago