In 1999, actor turned filmmaker Jeremy Gilley founded the non-profit organisation Peace One Day and set out to create an annual Peace Day. In 2001 this became a reality when the United Nations unanimously adopted the first ever annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence on 21 September – now known as Peace Day.
Peace One Day’s objective is to make 21st September an annual day of global unity and intercultural cooperation and every year Millions of people respond to International Peace Day by behaving more peacefully.
To support this objective, the organizers reached out to the therapeutic sound and music community and invited people to submit a clip of sound or music that they felt expressed peace. Humans have been influenced by sound and music before boundaries even existed on Earth so what better way to express Peace One Day than to bring clips from all over the world together. Lyz Cooper and Rob Quickenden mixed the pieces together into one ‘Peace Mix called Project Global Sound’ to reflect the peaceful blending of societies on Earth.
Please share this as much as you can – we hope that those listening to the track will find peace within and if we all did that, think of what we could create together. We hope you enjoy the piece!
With thanks to our Project Global Sound contributors:
Catia Alhandra – Silves, Portugal Afifa Aza Rouhangeze Baichoo – London, UK Daryl Barber – Redditch, UK Graeme Barden – London, UK Katerina Binova Barbour Flinton Chalk – Cambridge, UK Hanner Chant – Llanglydwen, UK Lyz Cooper – Chichester, UK Alicia Davies – London, UK Maryjane Edgar – Norwich, UK Aaron D. Finn – Dublin, Ireland Stephanie Gardner – Omagh, N Ireland Jonathan Goldman – Boulder, Colorado Bob Grimmick – Prescott AZ, USA Gonca Gürses – Netherlands Glaceia Henderson – Germany Kathy Hick – Cockermouth, UK Hatice Rida Kirasi – Istanbul, Turkey Andrea Kotmanová – Slovakia Ruby Larimar – London, UK Mignon Lee-Warden – Corrima, NSW Australia Andrea Lowry – Gent, Belgium Bea & David Martin – Bristol, UK Vlad Maruntis – Buzau, Romania Rob Quickenden – Brighton, UK Hassina Sakhri – Dubai, United Arab Emirates Ruth Summers – Brighton, UK
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