Categories: Mental Health

Potential Space Psychological Services

When looking for a therapist, most people look for the title, certification by a professional body, years of experience in the field, how frequently does the therapist’s name appear in the media, the furniture and interior design of the office, the design of the website. Although I have most of that, that is not how therapy works. In reality, there is no correlation between the title I am holding, the certification I got, the years I have been studying, my experience of working in a hospital and how effective my therapy is. If I can, I wish I can throw my certification/experience at someone and heal someone immediately but sadly it does not work like that. Therefore, I name my services to remind myself and my clients that wish to see me, to point towards the place where the magic really happens, which is the potential space.

Potential Space is the general term Donald Winnicott use to refer to an intermediate area of experiencing that lies between fantasy and reality. When you enter my page, you are entering a potential space. A space that is not inside nor outside, between the inner world and external reality. An intermediate area of experiencing that lies between fantasy and reality. I hope you can see beyond the ordinary and understand that what is essential is invisible to the eye, just like oxygen. I want you to know and to remind myself, the conversations we have are not just conversations, an office space is not just an office space and words are not just words. Spoken words are not just random sounds, but symbols that can be experienced. The space, the conversations, the words are just tools that we use to explore what happens in our unconscious minds. Potential Space is the space where our minds interact. Potential space is the space between the you and the me and as our minds interact, there will be a space where there is a blurring between the me and the you. The conversations we shared, is it from you, or is it from me? Or is it from both of us? Which word is from you and which word is from me? Am I part of you or are you part of me? As we dynamically interact, you change and I change, and we continuously change, and it is in this specific and metaphorical space that we change. In a way, you will be part of me and I will be part of you, but at the same time you are not me and I am not you. As we enter this paradoxical space, you can experience a potential new way of experiencing life. I do not know where our dialogues will lead, a meaningful conversation cannot be manualized, an experience that can only happen once in a lifetime in the here and now. These dialogues can be potentially healing and leading us deeper into our minds. That’s why I cherish every conversation that you have with me, that is why I find this work so meaningful.

Too many people live their lives unconsciously, not knowing, not understanding why they keep suffering and doing the same mistakes again and again. Most people are in a reactive state because they do not have the opportunity to enter a potential space, to reflect, to slow down, to become conscious, to develop self-awareness, to explore who I am and to experience and play. When I invite you into this potential space I am appealing to your courage to allow me to guide you into your mind.

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This Article was first published onSource link . We are just re-posting and re-sharing from their RSS feed.

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