Check out the Top 10 Challenges you will face eating FullyRaw and the solutions on how to overcome them!
To sign up for the 21-Day Challenge, submit your email here:!21-day-challenge/cmx5
Are you wanting to eat FullyRaw but scared of embarking upon a new heath journey? Each person struggles with different issues when they first start going raw. Here are the Top 10 Challenges that you will face when going FullyRaw, and I’ve provided you with easy solutions on how to combat them! Whether you are trying to go FullyRaw or simply eat more fruits and veggies in your diet, this is an amazing resource! Share with family and friends, and start your health journey today!
The Top 10 Challenges:
1) FEAR. The greatest thing you have to face is fear itself. Worry, insecurity, new living, money, detox, criticism, etc. You may worry about nutrients/getting to much sugar. -After that, everything else becomes easy. KNOW that you are not alone. If fear is your greatest enemy, it’s within your power to create a healthier happier you. When you overcome this fear, the rest is easy!
2) HUNGER. Learn your true signs of hunger, and make sure that you ALWAYS have food with you to eat so that you are not left with cravings or reaching for something else.
3) DETOX. Everyone has some type of detox. It passes! Stick with it, be sure to eat enough, and be strong. Once your body begins to cleanse, it gets easier and you feel much better!
4) FEELING OF ALONE/ SOCIAL ASPECT of going raw. Please reach out into your community or online forums. Invite people to participate with you on this journey!
5) Run out of food OR left with UNRIPE FOOD. Always make sure u have plentiful amounts of food with you. When you’re hungry, anything will look like food, so bring REAL food like fruit with you!
6) Cravings / Staying satisfied. Please see my video on How to Overcome Cravings Eating FullyRaw:
7) TIME.
-Plan your days
-Plan your meals
-Bowl of fruit / smoothie
– Compare time spent cooking and cleaning to time eating raw. MUCH EASIER to eat raw
8) MONEY. Please see my video on How to Afford Eating FullyRaw:
9) VARIETY. People fear getting tired of the same variety all of the time. Truth is, there is more variety eating a FullyRaw diet than any other lifestyle! There are more than 200 different varieities of fruits and veggies to eat year round! The average family eats the same thing 7x a week.
10) BAD DIGESTION & GAS. Please stay tuned for a food combining video coming soon!
ALL-EMCOMPASSING and highly recommended food combining chart by Dr. Douglas Graham:…
Despite all these fears, they are just that: FEARS. You will FEEL BETTER, you will see RESULTS by increasing the amount of fruits and veggies that you eat! Please keep your hope and know that you are not alone! We are all here together! Rest, heal, and cleanse your body. You WILL become the BEST YOU possible!
The written FullyRaw Meal Plan:!meal-plan/c143m
How to start a raw food diet! Here are my top ten ways on how you can be successful living a FullyRaw lifestyle!
Countdown Video to the Challenge Here:
***Please note that in order to get the free eBOOK, you MUST submit your email AND comment and like EVERY video of the challenge.***
I am SO excited to have you here with me on the 21-Day Challenge. We are creating a beautiful health community! Sending my hugs!
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