Categories: Healing

End of Days; The Woman and the Dragon

The end-time battle in the book of Revelation between the dragon and the chosen woman is a broader controversy between Satan and the Mother of All Creation and her children.

The war started in heavenly realms when Lucifer decided to rebel against the divine, because of the creation of man. He felt Angels were more superior to humans and would not submit to God’s new creation in His likeness. Lucifer was stripped of his name and given the name Satan and started a war in the Heavenly realms. Satan was cast out of Heaven by Archangel Michael to the lower vibrational consciousness of Earth, along with the other angels who rebelled. They would roam the Earth looking to ruin the Souls of Man and Woman. Filling their heads with thoughts of war, sacrifice, sin, and desire, he would lead the children of God astray.

The ‘woman,’ Mary was to deliver a special child to the world. After giving birth in a manger, the prophet Isaiah made the following declaration:

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

The ‘Devil’ was not successful in his attempt to kill Yeshua as an infant, so the infant grew up and was able to accomplish the mission of being the ultimate sacrifice, bringing redemption to the fallen sons and daughters of Adam, ‘the original human.’ The ‘Devil’ influenced the Jews to kill their own Messiah, thinking he had won the battle over the Son of man.

By Yeshua’s death on the cross, Christ had crushed the head of the dragon, able to descend to the lowest realm of the purgatory of human consciousness and was raised up on the third day.

After Yeshua’s crucifixion, when the dragon realized that he had failed in his attempt to prevent Yeshua from accomplishing His mission, he directed his rebellion against the ‘woman,’ Mary Magdalene, and her unborn child, ‘the seed of Christ Yeshua,’ or ‘the Holy Grail or bloodline.’ It was said that the dragon persecuted the ‘woman’ for 1,260 years.

Women and those who truly follow the word of Christ,’ have always faced enmity from the church and society.  There was a point in history when this enmity began to receive support from the church in the form of inquisitions and crusades against heretics, witches, or those who opposed the church.

Through the polished instrumentality of the church of Rome, the devil found a most efficient agent to infiltrate through the Catholic Church through it’s innate refusal to accept Mary Magdalene as the feminine Christ. He has infiltrated the church through their willing lies, deception, greed, pride, and through the control of the masses, darkness has entered the minds and hearts through a sinful church who denies the sacred feminine as an equal in Christ.

In spite of the level of hatred manifested inside of the church against women, the devil did not succeed in his attempt to extinguish the light of the sacred feminine or her seed. It was said that the dragon cast out of his mouth water after the woman, but the earth helped the woman and swallowed up the flood. Flood, as used in an allegorical sense in the scriptures, refers to mass ‘spiritual’ and ’emotional’ attack (Isa. 59:19).  There is a Spiritual war against the true followers of Christ against institutions controlled by the devil.

The ‘woman’ Mary Magdalene came under attack from a multitude of Christian leaders and followers of the Church of Rome since the beginning of the Christian Church. In 2016, Mary Magdalene was venerated to the ‘Apostle of Apostles.’ Divine intervention was given to protect and preserve the true teachings of Mary Magdalene and Christ Yeshua through the willingness of Pope Francis to uphold the truth as a Jesuit, or Warrior of Christ.  However, even great men sin, Popes included.

The devil is wroth with anger because he knows that the preservation of the ‘Woman,’ the divine feminine, and true teachings of Christ, through Her remnants, means that She will be producing seeds that initiate the ‘born again’ experience for all who seek refuge in Her in the name of Christ Yeshua.

Therefore, the final battle will be with the false teachings and lies of the church, against the remnants or the ‘bloodline’ of Christ Yeshua and Mary Magdalene and the true teachings of Christ. The Mother of Creation chose her human vessel in 2005. Inana Shrara!🌹

Shlama Alakoom
‘Peace be unto you.’

Valentina Marie: Owner of The Soul Intention, Ordained Minister, CMT, HHP, Yoga Instructor, follower of Christ


This Article was first published onSource link . We are just re-posting and re-sharing from their RSS feed.

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