Monday , January 13 2025
15 Fitness Fads That Do More Harm Than Good

Donation For Food

Covid 19, a pandemic declared by WHO is threatening whole world by spreading in almost every corner across globe. A Thousand people being infected & already died because of coronavirus. Considering the deadly outreach where the antidote remains unknown, we will only imagine the horror if it massively spread in densely populated country like ours. Your donation on the project will help us for giving food who cannot work and find food during this situation. This crisis threatens everyone’s way of life, but it’s especially difficult for people that is already vulnerable, including those with pre-existing medical conditions, older adults, individuals experiencing homelessness, refugees, and migrants, wage workers, and people with inflexible jobs in our country. We can only imagine the horror if the virus massively outbreak in densely populated country like Bangladesh, as we’ve limitations and can be facing plenty of constraint to tackle the situation. So, please give us donation in order that our people can get food.
Solution Your donation to the present fund will help stop the virus’s spread and donations are already helping to:
Send food for poor and lower middle class communities. Deliver essential items for struggling families and older individuals in quarantined cities. Feed children that believe school meals as their only source of nutrition Support hygiene awareness efforts And much, much more… With your help, we would work on the food crisis at the most as possible. Your donation to this fund will help to build stronger response capacities in communities around the world in order that we are all better equipped to face future outbreaks.

We Will Give Rice, Lentil, Oil, Potato, Onion, Chicken, Sugar, Baby Food and other necessary Products .

This Article was first published onSource link . We are just re-posting and re-sharing from their RSS feed.

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