Dear one,
I am writing to say how wonderful and beautiful you are inside and out. Too often, you feel you are only valuable for what you do or create in the physical world. But your heart and your soul is the most beautiful part of you and it is eternal! As you expand your love, your beauty grows as well. The most powerful form of beauty is the internal kind. Think of those whose hearts are so pure, you can only see the beauty within.
Much darkness in this world comes through situations that are physically beautiful but energetically very ugly. There are many beautiful places filled with suffering or people who offer you something that looks beautiful (an opportunity, a gift, or a relationship) that only causes you pain. This is why it’s so important to use your intuition to look past what is shown to you. Is what you are seeing really beautiful on the inside? Or is it a beautiful veneer that covers something deeply disturbing and ugly inside? The more you learn to look past what is shown and see the true nature of people and situations, the less suffering you will have.
I support you in this and am always here to give you guidance and love. True beauty is eternal and you will not need to suffer for it. When people offer you beautiful things with strings attached, the energy beneath is full of ugliness and deceit. Beware the gifts with strings, you do not need to suffer to receive. The more people develop this understanding, the better everything will go for all humanity.
Also, if you are prized for your beauty alone, your soul will mourn for your soul understands that only a small part of you is being loved. Learn to embrace and love those who truly love and care for you inside and out. That is the purest form of love.
It is important to care for your body and practice self-care for our body is the wonderful vessel for our soul and carries the often difficult task of holding space for us in our lessons. It is important to care for and acknowledge our body and what it is telling us but it should not be the entire focus or we are missing our true identity. As you love yourself, inside and out, you will attract others who do as well. Any time you have thoughts about yourself or others that you will be good or worthy once you fix or shift certain things, that is coming from a place of judgment and not love. Send loving energy to yourself and others and when you feel judgment, ask the angels to help you release it and any messages that you are not loveable as you are.
This is particularly hard on women as they are taught that their value is mostly based on their appearance and serving others. This is not true, you are a divine being of light who is worthy and wonderful, no matter how you appear and no matter what you do for others. You are worthy, beautiful, and filled with creative, divine energy. You are so loved by us on the other side. Whenever you feel alone or unloved, remember to call on us for love and support.
Yours forever,
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