Hrithik Roshan may have been blessed with genes for his Greek God looks, but he has too, like regular mortals, to work on his body to keep it in optimum shape and fitness level. Hrithik Roshan believes that the secret to a correct diet lies in one’s choices regarding the amount and type of food eaten.
You’ll be surprised to know how simple and effective this diet plan can be! Watch this video right now! Some time back, Hrithik Roshan was bedridden because of a bad back and he soon piled on weight and inches like there was no tomorrow!
But, he got himself under control and took the help of trainer Kris Genthin and nutritionist Maraica Johnson to get himself fighting fit and went on to get an even better looking physique than before. He was brave enough to publish his ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures, to inspire people and make losing weight a doable and realistic proposition. Watch this celebrity diet to know more about this hunk’s secret diet plan.
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