How is everyone doing? Genuinely…. how are you?
Over the last few days, I have had a few conversations with friends and it seems we are all talking the same language when it comes to living a quarantine life. I do believe that greatness will come from all of this but we can’t deny the darkness that is looming around as well. Whether it is from the mortality that we hear about or are personally familiar with, or from the “negative nelly” inside our own heads. The best thing we can do is recognize that we are being influenced by it. There are only 2 emotions that can ever be present; Fear and Love. We are always experiencing a version of either one of those at any given time. So, my suggestion to you is to be with it. Journal about it. Connect with a friend about it. It’s not a misery loves company scenario, but more of an uplifting, we are not alone and can move forward from this together, even if we are apart in proxemity.
I have some stone recommendations for soothing your anxiety, connecting to your truth, loving yourself thru this and deeply connecting with others. (Amazonite, Rose Quartz & Lepidolite)
…Some retail “housecleaning”
If you purchased a calendar and you’d like this months discount code (Unfortunately the QR codes do not work for discounts with the calendar…) the please email me and I’ll send it right over to you. You’ll be manually entering it at checkout rather than scanning. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Now 25% off!! use code distanthealing at checkout!
Click the picture for more information on Soul Guidance Sessions
Meditation is such a valuable tool. Join me to find ways to connect deeper within and to others.
~Virtual Course on Crystals! Was $200 NOW $50!
(Use ALONETOGETHER at checkout)
It’s time to go deeper… Mother Nature has guided us into a place of stillness and solitude. How are you responding? Click Here to read more information