Categories: Food Diet Nutrition

A Spoon Of Garlic & Honey Before Bedtime Will Change Your Life For Good… | Uses & Benefits

A greek philosopher once said, “Let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food.” Garlic and honey is probably the most popular combination of food when it comes to herbal remedies. It has been used in traditional medicines around the world. Whenever you go online and visit a health-related blog or channel you find articles and videos about this remedy. Garlic and honey this, garlic and honey that. So, we decided to give our insights on the topic. Garlic and honey both have amazing health benefits, so infusing them might be a great idea.

Welcome another video on our channel. Healthier Than Yesterday. Where it is all about health, beauty, and fitness.

In this video, we talk about how to make garlic and honey, uses of the remedy, its benefits, and its side effects. So without further to say, let’s jump straight into it.

#1. What Are Garlic And Honey?

Garlic has been used since ancient times as a medicine to heal diseases. The magical ingredient responsible for garlic’s magical properties is alliin. When you bite into garlic, alliin comes in contact with your body and becomes allicin which is an antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral substance.
Honey has also been used as a remedy since ancient times. We were surprised to discover that honey contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, and at the same time, it contains antioxidants and enzymes. That makes it both a rich nutritional and medicinal food. Now, just imagine if you infused them together in one ultimate mixture.

#2. How to make garlic and honey.

The process is pretty simple. You just need 12 to 14 cloves of garlic, a cup of honey, and a jar which you will use to combine them together. Now, take the cloves, but make sure to not peel them completely, just remove the papery layer, peeling garlic completely might make it lose some of its properties. Next, put the cloves in the jar followed by the honey. Pour it slowly in the jar. Make sure the cloves are fully submerged in the honey. Now, cover the jar and leave it for a few days. After a few days, have it every day and witness its amazing effects on your body.

#3. Health benefits of garlic and honey.

As we said, garlic and honey are a home remedy that has been used for hundreds of years. Honey is used to treat breathing problems, skin issues, and even diarrhea. Garlic is used to treat colds, it also boosts the immune system, it helps ease asthma, prevents heart disease, regulates blood pressure, and even help with constipation, arthritis, and infections. Combined together, they create a complete remedy. This remedy is known to be:

A) Anti-bacterial.

B) Memory and brain health.

C) Anti-viral.

D) Heart Health.

E) It nourishes your skin.

#4. Side Effects Of Garlic And Honey.

Garlic shouldn’t be consumed when taking certain types of medication such as aspirin. Also, eating garlic in large doses might not be a good idea. 1 to 3 cloves a day should be more than enough. Honey can cause blood sugar problems for people with diabetes. Some people have allergies towards honey, so consuming it might cause allergic reactions. Also, never give honey to a baby that’s less than one year old, which can cause stomach issues for babies.

#5. Conclusion.

Garlic and honey are some of the most ancient and effective home remedies that contain a significant amount of nutritional and medicinal compounds. Some of its best benefits are, improving heart health, fighting bacteria and viruses. It helps the body prevent memory and brain diseases, and may even be beneficial for weight loss. There are many ways to include this remedy to your daily regimen. However, being moderate and consulting a doctor or a nutritionist about it is highly recommended.

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And remember, keep it healthy, and take care.

Motion Graphics and Animation ➡️ @Fethii_draoui



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