Resilience means not letting life knock you off your feet when things get tough. Being resilient is one of the best things we can practice in our daily lives. It can help us deal with everything from heartbreak to failure. However, let’s be real, it’s also one of the hardest things to actually practice. Resilient people may seem like an entirely different species with their thoughts well put together and life completely organized, but there are actually many behaviors and mindsets that are common among them. Want to know how you, too, can be resilient? Watch this video to find out!
If you find this video motivational and would like to watch more content like this, we also have a video on the things mentally strong people don’t do:
#resilient #resilience #resilientpeople
Writer: Lily Metrinko
Script Editor: Morgan Franz
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Lily Hu VO
Animator: Nida
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
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