How to lose stubborn side fat? How to get the body of your dreams easily? You could be working out for ages, but see no positive changes. Here are the best exercises that actually work and will help you reduce side fat in less than a month. Just do this live-time 5-minute workout with us daily, follow some simple rules, and you’ll be amazed at the result!
Exercise #1. Plank 0:56
Exercise #2. Bicycle crunches 2:38
Exercise #3. Side Plank 4:27
Exercise #4. Leg Lifts 6:17
Exercise #5. Russian twists 8:04
Simple rules to get rid of side fat:
#1. Reduce the number of calories you’re consuming 10:32
#2. Flaxseed oil 11:28
#3. Reduce the consumption of the alcohol 12:17
-Never underestimate the power of a well-done plank – it improves your posture, makes you forget about the back pain and overall makes you stronger by working different muscles.
-Bicycle crunches are considered to be one of the top most effective abs exercises! And it’s not only your abs that are working – your thighs also have a nice train.
-You should start this exercise on your side, putting your legs together and making sure your forearm is exactly below your shoulder. Then, raise your body off the ground and make it a straight line from your head to your toes.
-Leg lifts is another great way to give a good training your abdominal muscles and is ranked as one of the most effective abs exercises.
-Russian twists work all of your abdominal muscles and are purely magic at burning side fat.
-Your eating habits highly influence your weight and physique and even though exercising on its own will give you good results, it still won’t remove this issue.
-Flaxseed oil gives you that great feeling of being full, so you won’t feel the need to eat more than you already did.
-Alcohol is no good for you with all the calories it contains, especially when you’re trying to lose weight and burn unnecessary fat.
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