Just think about how many times you promised yourself you’d start taking care of your body “tomorrow.” So if you are waiting for a sign or a trigger to get rid of your love handles and make yourself feel more confident, this is it.
Muffin top, love handles, spare tire – however you refer to that stubborn fat that accumulates on your sides, belly, and lower back, there’s one thing we can all agree on: it needs to go! So, fellas, how about a few simple at-home exercises to chisel your waistline in a week? Hey, try ‘em out for yourself!
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Jumping Burpees 0:29
Bicycle Crunches 1:20
Kneeling Vacuum 2:04
Side Plank 3:03
Swimmers 3:49
Russian Twist 4:36
Woodchoppers 5:23
Reverse Crunches 6:15
#lovehandels #menexercises #weightloss
Music by Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/
– Burpees help get your blood flowing and your heart pumping in no time, making them an awesome warm-up exercise. On top of that, burpees provide you with a great full-body workout that targets not only your abs and obliques, but also your arms, quadriceps, glutes, chest, and hamstrings.
– Some people don’t breathe while doing kneeling vacuum, while others try not to interrupt their normal breathing. Choose whichever way is more comfortable for you, but don’t relax your stomach muscles. This seemingly simple technique works like magic if you need to reduce your midsection, shrink your waistline, and carve your abdominal muscles.
– Just like a traditional plank, side plank works your stomach muscles, as well as your back, glutes, and core. But most of all, the side plank focuses more on the obliques, which is a sure-fire way to get rid of love handles.
– If you do the Russian twist with some weight in your hands, be it a dumbbell or just a gallon of water, you’ll burn calories and build muscle mass at a much faster rate.
– Doing woodchoppers keep your eyes on the weight so that you don’t lose your balance. Also, if you’re a beginner, don’t pick a heavy weight; otherwise, it can lead to a bad rotator cuff injury.
– Just like regular crunches, the reversed ones work the front of your abs, but they especially hit your lower abdominal muscles.
– Aim to do this workout 4 to 5 times a week. It’s also a good idea to throw in some moderate-intensity aerobic activities, like swimming, jogging, or cycling.
– Avoid eating processed and fried food. It’s usually high in added sugars, preservatives, and additives. You’ll also wanna stay away from the usual offenders: sweetened drinks, fast food, ready meals, junk food like cookies and chips, and fatty meat.
– It’s a good idea to replace foods rich in carbs with non-starchy veggies, such as cauliflower, celery, peppers, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, and the like.
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