As a beginner it is important that you know the basic poses of yoga so you can understand what yoga is at its true essence; a set of exercises that focus on breathing, aligning and perfecting your structure, stretching and improved blood circulation. So take out your workout shirts and prepare to learn some basic yoga postures at home.
The mountain pose takes us back to our primitive form and allows us to explore each and every part of our body by focusing on every muscle mentally; this newfound awareness about our body really opens our mind to the needs and wants of our physical self.
To attain the mountain pose you begin by standing straight and looking right ahead; now slowly start focusing on your muscles beginning from your shoulders, they should be right above your hips. Then focus on your back, it should be straight and little curved inwards so that your butt is sticking out a little. Going further down engage your thighs in your abdomen and dig your feet into the ground, hands by your sides and the palms should be facing inwards. Once you have achieved this pose, keep looking right in the front and then just focus on breathing. Mentally calculate the air going in, filling your lungs and then as you exhale imagine all the toxins being released from your body.
This pose will make you aware of the functions of your body, help clear out all the negatives from the body and just help you relax and calm down.
Now it’s time to stretch a little more with the raised arms pose; by maintaining the mountain pose, begin by arching your back inwards while raising your arms upwards. Then slowly start raising your arms and moving them back so they pass by your earlobes, all the while you’re arching continues to arch as far as your body can allow it to. Move your arms further back depending on the flexibility of your body, and as you look up following the movement of your arms, really feel that stretch that continues from your arms to your back all the way to your thighs.
This stretch will really allow you to wake up in the morning and prepare you mentally for the day as you feel that rush of energy release through your muscles. This pose will strengthen your back, improve circulation, open up your lungs and clear your mind.
For the garland pose we suggest you come back in the mountain pose, take a deep breath and prepare your body for a further stretch. Join both palms together in front of your chest, take a deep breath and take your feet apart by moving them to the edge of your mat. Again focus on the breathing and come down into a squat position, but try to bring your torso as close to the mat as you possibly can while keeping it between your legs. Try to imagine your torso as a tea bag that is dipping straight down without arching your back at all.
This pose might seem easy but trust us it is a challenge to really achieve it. This pose will help improve your digestive system, strengthen your muscles, open up your hip muscles and overall prove to be an excellent stretching pose.
The lunge pose is again an extension of the mountain pose; where you begin by taking one leg and extending it forward as much as you can, with the knee bent so that you create a 90 degrees angle with your thigh and lower leg. After resting your entire weight on this leg and you feel like you are comfortable with this first step and you have found your balance, then take the opposite leg and take it all the way back, without bending your knee at all and stretching your thigh muscles as much as you can.
To perfect this pose make sure you’re wearing extra stretchable yoga pants or workout shorts that allow free movement, the foot of the front leg is dug deep into the matt so you have found your balance; and the rest of your weight is on the toes of the foot extended at the back. And as you stretch your body, make sure you bring your torso down as much as possible. If you’re up for it and want an extra stretch then raise your arms upwards, arch your back inwards and look up as you would in the raised arms pose.
The aim of the triangle pose is to mimic and create the shape of a triangle using your body. To achieve this, stand straight on your mat while facing the sides of your mat. Look straight ahead and take a deep breath; then pull your legs apart as much as you can by placing them both as close to the edges of the mat as you possibly can without losing your balance. Then turn the foot of your right leg outwards around 90 degrees and the foot of your left foot inwards around 45 degrees. After doing so place your right hand over your right thigh, extend your left arm upwards as you hinge your body on to the right side, really feeling that stretch in your left side, hips, thighs and your back. Raise your face and look at your left arm.
Do not forget to focus on your breathing all the while.
Lying flat on your stomach on your matt, begin by placing both arms right under your shoulders, digging your toes in the matt and lifting your entire weight on your arms. Your back should be straight but slightly inclined as it comes down towards your legs. Breathe deeply as you suck in your tummy and expand your chest as you inhale and exhale deeply.
This posture will make your abdomen stronger, strengthen your core, work on your upper and lower body muscles and really test your determination!
The tree pose is again very easy to form but very difficult to maintain as the main key is to establish balance in your form. Standing straight, bring both your hands together and lift one foot of your leg and place it on the inner thigh of the other leg. Press deep into the thigh and focus your gaze in one place for extra balance.
Breathe deeply as you maintain this pose for as long as you can.
7 #YogaPoses to Try at #Home #yoga #exercise #gym #workout #homeworkout #
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