Categories: Personal Development

7 Signs Of Unhealed Relationship Trauma

Unhealed relationship trauma is far deeper than you being relationship-challenged. The difference between trauma and stressful situations is subtle but important. Stressful situations end and leave fewer exit wounds than in traumatic situations. A traumatic situation involves a great deal of fear, terror, and powerlessness. The stress involved in a traumatic situation tends to be harsh and ongoing. Also, the after-effects of trauma tend to get worse over time. If you are wondering if what you experienced in your relationship was more traumatic than stressful, and whether you’re dealing with unhealed relationship trauma, this video is for you.

The goal of this video is to build awareness on the topic of relationship trauma and abuse. If you feel someone could benefit from these videos, do consider sharing!
#trauma #relationshiphurt

Also, if you want to learn more about the signs of unhealed trauma in general, we have a video on that too:

Writer: Spicevious
Script Editor: Rida Batool
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Evelvaii
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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