Emotionally Drained – Lets face it the constant 2020/2021 Corona Virus Pandemic Lockdowns have left many people exhausted mentally !! Here are 6 signs to look out for.
Feeling mentally drained can affect people from all walks of life. We live in a society that prides itself on productivity and achievement at all costs. It is no surprise that emotional exhaustion becomes normalized in this context. Are you experiencing some of these negative mental health signs?
Writer: Allison Ikenouye
Script editor: Rida Batool & Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Harold (new animator)
YouTube manager: Cindy Cheong
Ahmad, A. (2010). Work-family conflict among junior physicians: Its mediating role in the relationship between role overload and emotional exhaustion. Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2), 265-271.
Scott, E. (2020). Burnout symptoms and treatment. Very Well Mind. Retrieved from www.verywellmind.com/stress-and-burnout-symptoms-and-causes-3144516
Slijepcevic, A. (2020). 4 signs you are emotionally drained (and what to do about it). Lifehack. Retrieved from www.lifehack.org/863025/emotionally-drained
Trougakos, P. J., Beal, D. J., Cheng, H. B., Hideg, I., & Zweig, D. (2015). Too drained to help: A resource depletion perspective on daily interpersonal citizenship behaviors. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(1), 227-236.
Wharton, S. A. (2009). The sociology of emotional labor. Annual Review of Sociology, 35, 147-65.
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