Sometimes we can tell when someone is hiding something from us. A comfortable smile is now replaced by a slight grin. But what if someone is hiding some deeper feelings? What if that smiling friend or that ex of yours, is hiding the fact they like you? Well, there are some ways you can find out.
Want to learn how to attract your crush without saying anything? This video might help you:
Writer: Michal Mitchell
Script Editor & Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Khin Fong
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
Newcomb, T. M. (1956). The prediction of interpersonal attraction. American Psychologist, 11(11), 575–586.
Fey, T. (2021, April 13). 15 ways to tell if a guy likes you but is hiding it (and why). Love Connection.
Schafer, J. R. “J. (2016, July 28). 5 Nonverbal Clues That Someone Is Interested in You. Psychology Today.
Narins, E., Pugachevsky , J., & Andrews , T. (2021, February 2). 36 Body-Language Clues You Should Look for on Your Next Date. Cosmopolitan.
Brown, L. (2021, March 1). 8 subtle signs he wants you back but won’t admit it. Ideapod.
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