The moon is your ally…
Its size and brightness are immense (especially a Supermoon!) pouring out healing energy for you to soak up…
You can draw on its magnetic power — an awe that lights you up till you start shining like the moon herself.
The full moon is all about illumination — both literally as it brightens the night sky — and figuratively as it lights up different aspects of our personal and collective lives. It shines a light on what’s been going on (which is why full moons can be intense), and it brings any intentions you set at the new moon to fruition.
And the energy will be especially strong because it’s a Supermoon, when Luna is closest to the Earth, shining up to 30 percent brighter than the rest of the full moons this year!
This month (May 7-9) we will be treated to our third Supermoon in just as many months. And this Supermoon is in Scorpio…
Even if Scorpio isn’t your sun sign (what people typically think of as their “sign”), we all actually have Scorpio somewhere in our charts — meaning you have a Scorpio part of you in some aspect. (In fact, we each have all 12 zodiac signs in our charts!)
Scorpio is often associated with sex, lust and power — but the truth is it’s also about life-changing transformation, fierce protection, and deep healing.
And we could really use some deep healing right about now, yes?
We’re certainly going through a life-changing transformation…
And, combined with the May moon which is known as the “Full Flower” moon because it marks a time of new blooms (new growth, new beginnings) this Supermoon is sure to bring you the added boost you’ve needed… or a kick in the pants?
So how can you harness the power of this month’s full moon to get unstuck, heal what’s been blocking you, and usher in deep transformation — for yourself and for all of us around the globe?
This Thursday through Sunday, May 7-9, you can draw on the healing power of the final Supermoon of 2020.
It’s the perfect time to invite the change you’ve been seeking. Even if you don’t know exactly what you need, the amplified power of the Full Flower Moon and the Supermoon and in Scorpio, will bring clarity and a surge of energy to move you to your next step.
It’s also a powerful time to release fear and trauma, receive blessings, and invite your highest intentions to bear fruit in your life and our world…
There’s an added dimension too. Vesak — the Buddhist (and for some Hindus too) celebration of Buddha’s birthday — falls on Thursday’s full moon.
During Vesak, Buddha is said to pour blessings over people gathered in ceremonies, and the blessings then flow to everyone everywhere, regardless of creed/country/status/etc.
Needless to say, this is a powerful and MUCH-NEEDED full moon!
Here are 5 Practices for Access the Healing & Transformative Power of the Full Flower Supermoon:
To deepen these skills, and to learn more about healing the past, thriving in the present, and growing into the very best version of you, check out my course on LifeForce Energy Healing® here.
This Article was first published onSource link . We are just re-posting and re-sharing from their RSS feed.
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