Categories: Healing

5 Element Theory

An ancient perspective on the present moment.

Whether you are wondering about world peace or inner peace, 5 Element theory has something to offer. Like any theory, the more you wonder, question and investigate each Element, the more they will reveal themselves to you. Elements are living “Spirit” – turn your attention toward them and they will reach back to you.


First, a few basics:

  1. The word Element can limit our understanding.
    Many translators use “Phases” instead of Elements.  “Element” can imply something stationary and solid whereas “phase” gives us the hint that things are changing, shifting, flowing.
  2. Just like seasons, the Elements reflect changes in the environment – both within us and outside of us.
  3. The name of each Element represents many qualities and characteristics.
    The word “connotation” comes to my mind to describe the many meanings implied with each Element/Phase.

What are the 5 Elements?

  1. Fire
  2. Earth
  3. Metal
  4. Water
  5. Wood

Inner World/Outer World Connections

Each of the 5 Elements has many aspects, connections, connotations. Below are some words to support your understanding of each of these Elements:

In the Universe around us, Fire is the literal fire that burns as a flame of the candle, of a gas stove, or a forest fire.  Fire is the season of summer, the Sun, heat, a fully blossoming flower, the color red. Within us, Fire is our physical warmth, our emotional warmth, love, joy, our ability to lead others and ourselves wisely, our physical heart and small intestine.



In the Universe around us, Earth is the literal planet Earth, the literal soil beneath us, the season of late summer, humidity, vegetables that come after the blossom, our food, our home.  Within us, Earth is our ability to digest food as well as thoughts and experiences. Emotionally, Earth varies from a sense of safety, security, and abundance to insecurity, worry, and scarcity. Earth is our muscles, our digestion, our stomach, and spleen organs.


In the Universe around us, Metal is the literal air that we breathe and literal metals, such as gold, steel, and all types of crystals. Metal is the season of Fall, the dropping of leaves, the seeds within the fruit and vegetables, dry air, the color white. Within us Metal is our ability to let go, to allow grief to pass through us, to refine ideas, to be self- aware, to contemplate and focus our mind and attention. Physically, Metal is our lungs and large intestine.


In the Universe around us, Water is the literal water in the ocean, falling from the faucet, a full tub, bottled water, the season of winter and cold. Within us, Water is a sense of creativity, quiet, our ability to incubate, the emotion of fear as well as quiet peace. Kidneys and Bladder are the Water organs. In the darkness of winter below the frozen earth, away from our senses, seeds from now dead plants are held, incubating, only to grow again in the spring to continue the lifeline of the plant. Water – the mystery of Life and Death.


In the Universe around us, Wood is the literal trees and plants. Spring is the season of the Wood Element, sprouting plants, sunrise, birth, and wind,  Within us, Wood is our ligaments and tendons, our ability to push through hardship, to persevere, the emotions of anger, frustration as wells as assertiveness, and kindness. Physically, our liver and gallbladder organs are Wood.

Phases of the 5 Elements

Just as the seasons continuously shift one into the other, the Elements shift from one into the other in an endless cycle of change. As Winter becomes Spring, Water becomes Wood, stillness becomes movement, fear gives way to perseverance.

Reflect upon the phases of your emotions, how they rise, peak and fade. Reflect on your day as it begins, unfolds, and quiets back into the night. Reflect on your life as from a tiny sprout, growing, aspiring, “arriving”, letting go, sinking back into the mystery of death and life.


We are always changing. Sometimes that change is obvious, others times not. The shifting phases of the 5 Elements perspective give us a compassionate and concrete way to reflect upon in order to understand changes in ourselves and others.

This Article was first published onSource link . We are just re-posting and re-sharing from their RSS feed.

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