One of the most common questions about weight loss is; how do I lose weight when I am over 200 pounds.
This is a very good question that deserves to be answered. How many of you are out there desperately keen to lose those pounds.
You are probably sad just thinking about it, all the emotion tied to your weight loss.
Weight loss is an insane roller coaster journey that is especially hard to do if you are over 200 lbs. Most of us aren’t lucky enough to ride only once.
Plus all these new amazing miracle diets might work well once you are on it, but they are so restrictive that as soon as you stop you gain weight even faster than before.
You see weight loss is not about being restrictive but changing your mindset, implementing good habits and enjoying the process.
You should be able to hop on the scale and cry not because you are sad but rather, tears of joy.
Just like any good thing, weight loss won’t happen overnight, you should be consistent and happy with the consistency.
Now lets jump right in on how to lose weight fast if you are 200 lbs or more.
BAD Carbs are annoying and have no real weight loss purpose. They are an energy source that when is not burned turns into sugar and the sugar turns into fat.
So if you are not working out then there is no need to load up on carbohydrates.
This does not mean stop eating them altogether. You would be punishing yourself. But it does mean creating a good nutrition plan where your carb intake is from whole foods.
In 2002 the National Academies Institute of Medicine recommended that people focus on getting more of the quality carbohydrates into their diet and minimize the process refined carbs.
Bad carbs can do so many unwanted things to your body you don’t even wanna know.
Here are some dangerous examples of bad carbs.
Yeah, now we are talking.
Here’s the deal, no matter how hard you are pounding the treadmill you just can’t outrun a bad diet.
Studies have shown that 70% of weight loss is based on your diet and you can’t really exercise without injuring yourself.
Anyway if you are exercising at 200+ pounds, cause cravings, stress your joints and causes too many risks.
Although you may still be shocked over this no exercises thing, don’t worry. I think exercise is important and everyone that can exercise should (so many benefits).
Right now you should focus on losing weight the right way (good diet and nutrition).
Exercise can always be thrown in later on when you are more able to do it and you have already inserted healthy eating habits.
Embarking on something new and challenging is going to be difficult. Having a strong group of people that care about you and your goals really help.
Many people aren’t great at doing the whole “weight loss” gig on their own, so they look for support.
There is nothing wrong with needing support as everyone can feel lonely at times.
Beginning your weight loss journey, whether you have tried and failed, having someone’s support can make the vital impact you need to achieve your goals.
No, it this not a typo, eating the right kinds of fat really makes the difference.
This is the main problem when people begin to remove carbs from their diet. They end up not knowing what to replace them with (and starve themselves) or eat something completely worse.
Our bodies are actually natural fat burners, but because of the most recent diets, they are now more inclined to burn sugar instead.
Yes, yes, I am insisting that you eat fat to lose fat, but hear me out. A low amount of carbs but high amounts of protein and fat turn your body into a well-oiled fat burning machine.
But beware, this does not mean to desperately search for potatoes crisps to indulge on. There are specific types of fats that do the job well.
For a quick list of what kind of foods you need that are high in good fat see the list below.
This is not the way to go when you are trying to lose weight. It is pointless and will actually backfire, here’s how.
Not eating enough calories actually slows down your metabolism even more.
Your body is intelligent and recognizes the caloric deficit. In order to adjust to this, your metabolism will slow down so you burn fewer calories.
This is your bodies natural survival mechanism for past times of famine.
You are then depriving your body of essential nutrients that they need in order to operate and lose weight.
Here’s the catch. You need to know the difference between being hungry and having an appetite for food.
When people say that they always have a second stomach for dessert, no matter how full they are, that is called an appetite.
You should always know the difference if you really want to lose weight.
Make protein a priority, this is where most people fail and then end up gaining weight.
When cutting down on carbs you need something, in turn, to help fuel your body. As well as fat protein is one of the best nutrients to do the job.
Protein is harder to digest and scores highly on the satiety scale. This means that you feel much fuller after you consume it.
I cannot stress enough about how great protein is for weight loss, lean muscle, and overall wellbeing.
Like fats make sure you include a good amount of protein in every meal, especially in breakfast. There are plenty of foods that are great to eat and high in protein. I mention these foods in a post here.
Losing weight is all in the head. Well, the end result is physical but to get to accomplish things on the outside you need to be mentally prepared on the inside.
You need to make the decision to lose weight and stick to it.
Most people end up failing because they are not prepared for the journey they are about to begin.
Make your decisions about what you are going to do and how you are going to achieve them.
If you know you are not likely to stick to your goals, write them down or buddy up with a trusted friend or relative, that you know will encourage you to stay on track.
Try using the growth mindset if you are always wanting to improve, in all areas of your life especially.
Okay, you might be thinking, he keeps saying this nutrient and that nutrient is great for weight loss, but this is the last one.
But the kind of fiber that you should be going for is important. You see the best kind of fiber comes from fruits and vegetables.
There are just so many benefits of fiber (I’m practically drooling).
Soluble fiber is the main kind of fiber you should go for.
You can get lots of soluble fiber from fruits and veggies (mentioned before).
Beware, although soluble fiber is great you shouldn’t launch yourself at it all at once (what I did), because you can cause yourself stomach cramps, diarrhea and bloating.
You are different from all these other people that you see dropping numerous pounds in just a matter of days.
Don’t feel demotivated or upset because you are unable to follow a weight loss program or eat like someone that is so much different to you.
Any great weight loss journey is going to be different from person to person.
So you should focus on finding weight loss programs that are good for you.
You Need Water, Water, Water is all You Need.
No seriously, water is just amazing. ZERO side effects, negative calories and is free, what better way to lose weight.
Drinking water before every meal and having a warm glass every morning is one of the best and easiest habits to implement to lose weight.
Warm Water Is great for the morning and helps you feel fuller before meals.
Cold Water: Has excellent metabolism boosting benefits (up to 4 times) and is satisfying to drink.
Okay piggy-backing on the previous statement on drinking water in the morning and before (and after if you are extra committed) every meal, you should also try to add lemon to the water.
Lemon water is great for your digestive system. All you need to do is find a fresh lemon and squeeze 1/2 of it into your water.
When doing this try using a straw to prevent tooth erosion.
Any temperature is fine for your water as long as you drink it.
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This may be one of the reasons why you are not seeing the results you want or what you need.
When you begin to eat healthily your body may not even absorb the nutrients. The positive thing is that healing your leaky-gut is relatively easy.
Try using apple cider vinegar and taking a trusted probiotics-supplement to do the job.
Leptin is the fantastic hormone that sends a signal to your brain telling it when you are too full to eat anymore.
Or it tells you when you feel like you should go and exercise because you are feeling a bit heavy today.
Your leptin-resistance is so because of the high insulin resistance you have.
This is another perfect example of why you should really focus on cleaning up your diet, cutting carbs and increasing your healthy fat, fiber, and protein intake.
Planning your meal is a brilliant step to take to lose weight. This is obviously different from starving yourself.
If you can plan main and healthy meals to have and eat until you are full (not till you are stuffed) then you can start losing the weight.
Also when you plan your meals you can prepare them ahead of time which is great if you are not forward to creating one from scratch.
Warming up your meals after a long day at work can be a real lifesaver.
Once you have your meals planned out, there is no excuse for going and grabbing all the unhealthy snacks you can lay your eyes on, because you have it all laid out in front of you.
According to some new juicy research militant diets have a big win over their standard diet opponent.
Losing lots of pounds in a small amount of time, might seem overwhelming but is definitely worthwhile.
The research showed that those who lost a significant amount of weight in the first 3–4 weeks of their dieting lost the most amount of weight the following year.
This is due to the fact that once you lose a lot of weight in a small amount of time, you are motivated to lose more weight, and therefore.
This is really important and can possibly be the hardest thing to do in this entire list, but you have to understand.
You have to accept yourself and accept who you are. Once you have done this then you can look at making positive changes to your life.
Commit to your weight loss journey. Protect yourself and keep yourself healthy.
Coffee has caffeine in it which is used in most commercial fat burning supplements out there today.
So this must be legit right?
Well… YES!
Coffee is great for breaking down fat cells so you can burn calories.
It does this by stimulating the nervous system, which sends messages to fat cells forcing them to break down fat.
Coffee is also known for raising your RMR (resting metabolic rate). Your RMR is the amount of weight you burn while you are inactive or resting.
If you want to check out some more fat burning strategies you can check out Healthline’s post here: 10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism (Backed by Science)
First of all, eggs are a fantastic breakfast/lunch option for weight loss. Second, you should eat the whole egg.
Don’t listen to these people that are advising you not to eat the egg yolk because it has negative effects on “this” and “that”.
Egg yolk itself is jam-packed with nutrients and all good stuff, that you need to your weight loss.
Eggs have amino acids. Amino acids are full of protein and your body can easily use this for maintenance and metabolism.
Also, Vitamin D in the yolk is fantastic at busting belly fat and toning you up.
Glucomannan is a natural, dietary fiber extracted from the roots of elephant yam.
Glucomannan is also available, commercially as a supplement, drink mixes and added to food products.
It also helps support your bodies cholesterol levels and has an exceptional ability to absorb water.
People also use glucomannan to thicken up their weight loss smoothies and fill them up a lot more.
You can get a Glucomannan supplement here: Glucomannan Supplement
Green tea is absolutely exquisite for weight loss and is oozing with tons of benefits.
This beverage packs a punch. Green tea is arguably the healthiest liquid on the planet (besides water).
Green tea has a mild amount of caffeine (not as much as caffeine) but contains enough to seriously help rev up your metabolism and your weight loss.
Caffeine is a popular stimulant used to help aid in your fat burning capabilities.
Although green tea has caffeine, it really takes the spotlight with the number of antioxidants it has.
It is crammed with potent antioxidants called catechins. This is great for boosting metabolism.
No wonder pretty much every fat burning supplement out there uses green tea as one of their main ingredients.
Have you ever paid any attention to how you were feeling while you were eating?
Did you come back from a stressful day of work, or you were depressed, or even just really bored?
Comfort eating is something that many people do worldwide to supplement their mood.
They do this because when you eat food (normally high sugar), it releases dopamine which makes you feel happier. This is great if you are NOT looking to lose weight.
Once you become mindful about how you are feeling when you are eating you will start to notice, that you may be eating to comfort yourself.
Try writing down how you feel whenever you are eating, and see if you can find an unhealthy trend, and fix it.
You can read a full post on how to stop boredom eating: How To Stop Eating From Boredom in 5 Simple Steps
Please, please, please do not make this mistake. Too many people 200 pounds or more are trying to do this, and it is not working.
Calorie counting is great if you are trying to dip below 5% body fat or some super-ripped fitness model.
You have already damaged your hormones if you are at this weight so this is definitely not the way to go.
This is terrible because even when you start counting calories your weight won’t budge at all (and who wants to put in all that effort for no results).
Try focusing more on nourishing your body with the right kinds of food and the right portion sizes. This is how the most significant weight loss changes are made.
If you enjoy hot spicy dishes, then this quick tip is tailored just for you.
Recent studies have indicated that eating spicy foods can actually have positive metabolism-boosting benefits.
This is because the spic increases your body temperature, which may help increase the energy you expend.
Results vary but cayenne can help you lose as much as 119 extra calories a day.
The substance that gives cayenne its heat (capsaicin) may also aid in weight loss, and it can be used to relieve pain.
However it may not be suitable for anyone, if you are allergic to kiwis, bananas, chestnuts, avocado or latex, you could also be allergic to cayenne.
A review published in the Chemical Senses in 2012 showed that cayenne helped greatly reduce cravings, sweet, fatty and salty foods.
If you really want to lose weight, you have to believe in yourself and that you can do it.
Losing weight is something that you can’t just hope you can achieve with no plans or goals.
You need to believe in you and fully commit to the job.
This tip is short but also very important.
Paying attention to what and when you eat is great to help you feel full and lose weight.
Minimizing distractions is a great weight loss method. Inattentive eating is one of the main reasons for unhealthy overeating and weight gain.
Don’t read out of habit or boredom as well because this is also the main cause for over feasting.
A study with 24 participants showed that those that ate while distracted at 10% more in that one sitting.
We may have mentioned before to keep exercise to a minimum, but it’s not like you count walking as intense exercise.
Walking is just too underrated. There are many reasons why walking should be implemented in your daily routine.
You can’t eat 1800 calories one day and then 5000 calories the next. You have to find your right rhythm to lose weight and stick to it.
Create good habits and stick to eat.
“My best recommendation for patients, based on this research, is to try to keep their eating pretty similar day to day,” — Emily Feig
This is really true and should be applied to everyone looking for fast and permanent weight loss.
This is a quick one but important. When you are shopping always come with a preplanned healthy list and shop for only that food.
Planning your weekly shops can be important if you don’t want to end up shopping for unhealthy and high-calorie foods.
I like to go by some quote that I just picked up and I am probably changing some of this jazz up, but it goes like this.
The higher your expectations the worst the disappointment.
“Work as hard as you can and set your expectations as low as you can.”
James Fell from Body For Wife recommends a steady weight loss vicinity of 0.25 to 0.5 pounds a week.
Of course, there are ways that you can lose a lot more weight than that, but if you are looking for a safe number than this is it.
Honestly, do you think that you are ever going to be disappointed if you expect nothing from it?
Do you ever take a bite of your food and then place another portion in your mouth before you chew and swallow. (Guilty) ←- Me
Taking your time while you eat is probably one of the most vital steps in weight loss.
Really enjoy the food you are eating.
Take your time, savor the moment. A quick tip is whenever you are eating always take a bite, and then place your utensils back down.
You do this so you have time to chew and swallow your food instead of shoveling down another serving.
This is a great alternative to just shoveling in food bite after bite. Studies have shown that you feel fullest at around 20 minutes after you eat.
Taking mini-breaks is great to gauge how full you really are.
This Article was first published onSource link . We are just re-posting and re-sharing from their RSS feed.
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