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27 Amazing Uses & Benefits of Vicks Vaporub You Must Know
Vick’s VapoRub has become the trusted and classic medicine for clearing up chest congestion, but did you know that there’s other uses for ths product which can help with other ailments? These surprising tips and tricks will make you see VapoRub in a whole new light.
vicks vapourub Stop Headaches
Headaches can hit you without warning and are extremely common. You can use VapoRub to alleviate the pain. Rub a bit under your nose and breathe deeply. The menthol in the rub will help you clear up your headache. You can also try rubbing some vicks on your temples for light relief as well.
2 tears on demand
If you need to shed a tear on cue for a photo shoot or stage performance then rub a small quantity of Vicks VapoRub under your eyes.
Vicks VapoRub contains cedarleaf oil, which is a natural insect repellant. Just rub a little on your skin and clothes. You don’t have to rub it all over, just apply small dabs on your ankles, wrists, neck, inner elbows, knees and behind your ears. The smell of the menthol in it will repel the insects away. You can also rub it on bug bites to relieve itching.This is perfect for camping or when traveling through humid areas
4. Aromatherapy
You can add some vicks to an airfreshener or other devices that transmit scent so it circulates around an entire room. This is great way to clear congestion if you’re sick or just freshen up a room with the scent of Vick’s. Acne
It might sound a little crazy, but Vicks VapoRub helps in clearing your skin. Apply it on acne several times a day. This will soothe and dry out acne.
5. Bruise relief
To quickly get rid of your fresh bruises, apply some Vicks mixed with a pinch of salt onto them.
6. Prevents Your Cat or other animals from Scratching on things
If you are annoyed by your cat scratching your walls, windows, and doors, rub some Vicks on these places and this will deter you cat from ever doing that ever again.
7. Treats Eczema
Reduce the inflammation and itchiness of eczema by applying some Vicks VapoRub on the affected area.
8 Fix Dry, Cracked Heels
Heels and hands are prone to dryness, and the winter does not help. If skin goes too long without moisture, you could end up with cracked skin, which can be very painful.
To combat this, hydrate your skin with VapoRub once a day, and layer with socks or bandages until the cracks have healed.

9 Replacement wound and pain relief for creams such as Neosporin

If you run out of Neosporin, use VapoRub as a replacement. Spread a thin layer around the wounded area (splinters, cuts, etc.) to help accelerate the healing process. It also helps protect against germs and bacteria.
10. Stop a squeaky door hinge
In an emergency vicks can be used instead of oil to eliminate a sqeaky door hinge. Just rub a touch of vicks on the problem hinge.
11. Cure toenail fungus
Fungus can infect the nail bed and causes the nail to thicken and discolor. The thickening may push the nail away from the toe, possibly causing loss of the nail. Studies have found thymol, an ingredient in VapoRub, is effective at treating toenail fungus. Wash your feet thoroughly and dry them. Apply VapoRub to the affected toenails, getting into all the nooks and crannies, and apply it under the nail if possible. Wrap the nail in a band-aid and keep it clean. It might take anywhere from
10 days to six weeks to cure the fungus, so repeat the process with your doctor’s advice until the fungus is gone.
12. Soothe earaches
An earache can be caused by many things. If its caused by a common cold then one Home Remedy is a cotton ball with Vicks VapoRub to ease the pain. Simply rub a little on a cotton ball and place it in the ear and move it around a little. This will help ease the pain.
For minor burns, such as steam burns in the kitchen, run it under cold water and then rub some Vicks on it for quick relief.
14. Tennis Elbow
The camphor and menthol contained in Vicks will help your pain from tennis elbow disappear.
Vicks Vaporub can be used as a topical analgesic to temporarily relieve minor aches and pains of achy muscles and joints. If you are suffering from tennis elbow, then rub Vicks VapoRub to get rid of the pain. Menthol and camphor in Vicks will heal the aching elbow. Massage the area until the pain stops.
16. Use it on your lips
Apply a small amount of VapoRub for fuller, softer lips. VapoRub contains menthol, which is a natural lip plumper. Since it is also made from Vaseline (petroleum jelly), it will soften your lips too. Be careful to not apply this to chapped or cracked lips, as the menthol can irritate them.
17. Removes Warts on feet



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