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How to lose weight without the gym? It seems like it’s not possible to burn calories effectively while watching TV, but this is not true. There are some effective exercises that are easy to perform at home and you don’t need any special equipment to do them. We want you to stay in a good shape and would like to suggest some nice exercises that you can do while watching movies. Get your phone ready to set the timer. You won’t have to do any math in your head counting reps. Nothing will distract you from watching TV.
By the way, did you know that doing chores is also a great calorie burner? Washing a whole sink of yesterday’s dishes is worth 100 calories. 35 minutes of scrubbing the bathroom is equivalent to 35 minutes on the treadmill. 30 minutes of cleaning the windows or moving the furniture around is 100 burnt calories. When you’re vacuum cleaning for half an hour, that’s another 50 calories off your daily score!
Warming-up for your muscles 0:11
Standing oblique twists 0:38
Couch push-ups 1:15
Arm circles 1:53
Chair squats 2:24
Leg raises 3:40
Lunges 4:08
Jumping Jacks 4:55
Quad stretch 5:34
Some effortless ways to burn extra calories 6:04
Music by Epidemic Sound
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